Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Meadowside School on February 6, 2024, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection, rather than to provide an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher, senior leaders, governors, staff, and a local authority representative, as well as classroom visits and document reviews.
The inspection found that while the school has made progress, further work is needed for it to achieve a good rating. The senior leadership team has been restructured, with previous assistant headteachers now serving as deputy headteachers. This restructuring has allowed for closer oversight of the quality of education provided. The school has acted quickly to implement improvements, particularly in its curriculum, which is becoming more embedded. Staff are increasingly confident and effective in delivering the curriculum, and pupil grouping has been adjusted to better meet individual learning needs rather than age-based criteria.
The teaching of phonics and early reading has been fully established, with significant staff training ensuring consistent delivery of the phonics program. Previously, pupils at early reading stages did not have sufficient opportunities to practice reading. Now, phonics is integrated into the daily timetable, leading to better progress in reading skills. During the inspection, pupils demonstrated confidence and fluency in their reading, with books matched to their phonics knowledge. However, there were inconsistencies in the support provided to pupils during reading sessions, as some staff tended to read words for pupils instead of encouraging them to use their phonics skills.
The governing body has strengthened its support and challenge for the school, with governors participating in the same training as staff and visiting the school to monitor progress against the action plan. The school has developed a comprehensive improvement plan outlining actions for each area of development. While the school evaluates this plan each term, the intended impact of actions is not clearly articulated, making it difficult to demonstrate the effectiveness of improvement efforts over time.
Attendance remains a concern, with some pupils exhibiting low attendance and many being persistently absent. The school recognizes this issue and is enhancing its approach to attendance, aiming to clarify expectations for all stakeholders, including parents. The school is utilizing support from the local authority to improve the quality of education, working closely with an adviser who provides regular visits and guidance.
In summary, Meadowside School has made notable strides in improving its educational offerings, particularly in curriculum delivery and phonics instruction. However, challenges remain, particularly in articulating the impact of improvement actions and addressing attendance issues. Continued focus on these areas will be essential for the school to achieve a good rating in future inspections. The commitment of the leadership team, staff, and governing body to ongoing improvement is evident, and with sustained effort, the school is positioned to make further progress.