Moorgate Primary School in Bolton has been recognized as an outstanding institution following its inspection on April 19 and 20, 2023. The school has demonstrated a commitment to fostering an environment where both pupils and early years children can thrive. Staff members prioritize the well-being of students and have established strong, supportive relationships with families, contributing to a sense of happiness and safety among pupils. The school’s motto, aspire, achieve, sparkle, reflects its high expectations for academic and social development, ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, achieve exceptional results across the curriculum.
Pupils at Moorgate Primary School exhibit positive behavior and show consideration for others. Any instances of unacceptable behavior are addressed effectively by school leaders, including rare cases of bullying. The classrooms are vibrant learning environments where students actively engage in lessons and enjoy their educational experiences. The school offers a broad curriculum that includes important social issues, and pupils benefit from various enrichment opportunities, such as community gardening clubs and citizenship awards.
The leadership team, including governors, is dedicated to creating a thriving school environment. Pupils leave Moorgate Primary School well-prepared for secondary education, equipped with the necessary skills for modern life. The curriculum strikes a balance between academic achievement and the development of resilience and confidence, encouraging pupils to adopt a proactive attitude toward challenges. Leaders have designed a challenging and ambitious curriculum that is logically organized, allowing pupils to build on their knowledge over time.
The reading curriculum is a particular focus, starting as early as two years old. Staff confidently implement a phonics program that matches books to pupils' reading levels, ensuring that those who require additional support receive the necessary help to keep pace with their peers. Older pupils display enthusiasm for reading and frequently visit the community library, fostering a love for literature.
Pupils with special educational needs are fully integrated into school life, receiving tailored support from knowledgeable staff. The school ensures that these pupils have access to the same curriculum as their peers, adapting delivery methods as needed. The behavior of pupils is consistently positive, with minimal disruption to learning. Older students serve as excellent role models for younger pupils, contributing to a supportive school culture.
Moorgate Primary School places a strong emphasis on personal development, embedding lessons on democracy, equality, and mental health into the curriculum. Pupils engage in various extracurricular activities, enhancing their overall educational experience. The leadership team and governors share a unified vision for the school, fostering a sense of pride among staff who describe the school as a family. Staff appreciate the support they receive in managing their workloads effectively.
The safeguarding arrangements at Moorgate Primary School are robust. Leaders are attuned to the local risks that pupils may face and ensure that staff are well-trained in safeguarding responsibilities. Pupils are educated about their feelings and know whom to approach for support. The school promotes online safety and encourages pupils to discuss their concerns openly.
This inspection marks the first routine evaluation since the school was deemed outstanding in January 2016. The school does not utilize alternative provisions and has a specially resourced provision for pupils with specific learning difficulties and autism spectrum disorder. The inspection process included discussions with leaders, staff, and pupils, as well as a review of various documents and policies, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the school's effectiveness.