Mytham Primary School, located in Little Lever, Bolton, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on February 2 and 3, 2023. The school fosters an environment where pupils feel valued and safe, contributing to their eagerness to learn. Positive relationships between staff and students are evident, built on mutual respect and trust. Pupils express confidence that their concerns will be addressed, and incidents of bullying are managed effectively by the leadership team.
The school maintains high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Overall, students achieve well across the curriculum, with early years children well-prepared for Year 1. Behaviour management is consistent and fair, allowing pupils to focus on their learning without interruptions. This creates a conducive atmosphere for education, where pupils demonstrate politeness and courtesy towards everyone in the school community.
Mytam Primary School offers a rich variety of experiences beyond the classroom, including museum visits, fundraising for local causes, and opportunities to learn musical instruments. Pupils enjoy participating in sports events and residential trips, which enhance their learning experiences. A notable highlight for students was the chance to re-enact a court scene in a real courtroom, which they found particularly engaging.
The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, with leaders clearly identifying the essential knowledge pupils need to acquire. Teachers select appropriate activities to support understanding, enabling pupils to build their knowledge over time and make connections across subjects. However, there are instances where assessment information is not utilized as effectively as it could be, leading to some misconceptions not being addressed promptly. Despite this, many pupils achieve well and are prepared for the next stages of their education.
Reading is a core focus at Mytham Primary School, with leaders ensuring that reading opportunities are integrated into all subjects. Pupils are exposed to a variety of texts that support their cultural understanding. Staff are well-trained to deliver the reading curriculum, helping early years and key stage 1 pupils develop strong foundational skills. While most pupils receive timely support to catch up if they fall behind, there are occasions when some do not practice their reading skills frequently enough to achieve fluency.
The school environment is calm and orderly, with early years children settling in well and sharing resources. Pupils behave appropriately during social times and can access a chill-out zone when needed. Leaders have established a well-ordered curriculum that supports personal development, teaching pupils about different religions and beliefs, as well as fundamental British values such as democracy and individual liberty. Pupils take diversity seriously and express a commitment to treating everyone equally.
Staff appreciate the support provided by leaders for their well-being and have opportunities to discuss concerns. They receive professional development to enhance their teaching practices. Governors actively monitor pupil progress and hold leaders accountable for any declines in achievement, taking necessary actions for improvement.
The safeguarding arrangements at Mytham Primary School are effective, with leaders ensuring that safeguarding is a shared responsibility. They work closely with external agencies to support pupils and their families. Staff receive comprehensive training to recognize signs of potential harm, and pupils are educated on how to keep themselves safe in various situations, including online safety.
In summary, Mytham Primary School continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing a high-quality education in a supportive environment. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in the consistent use of assessment and ensuring all pupils practice their reading skills regularly, the school remains a strong educational institution that prepares its pupils well for future challenges.