Holcombe Brook Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for its pupils. The school fosters a positive atmosphere where students enjoy their learning experiences and rarely miss school. Pupils express that their education is engaging and appreciate the variety of after-school clubs available to them. The school emphasizes safety, with all students feeling secure and supported, a sentiment echoed by the majority of parents and carers.
High expectations are set for all pupils, with school leaders dedicated to ensuring that students achieve academically and develop into well-rounded individuals. The school actively involves pupils in community activities and charitable initiatives, reinforcing their role as responsible citizens. Behaviour at Holcombe Brook is commendable, with pupils displaying politeness and good manners. Instances of bullying are reported to be rare, and when they do occur, they are addressed swiftly by the staff.
The curriculum at Holcombe Brook is ambitious and designed to facilitate strong academic performance. Teachers ensure that lessons build on prior knowledge, sharing insights to enhance the learning process. The curriculum is enriched with opportunities for character development and personal interests, including educational trips and visits from authors and poets to inspire a love for reading and writing. The school boasts a diverse selection of reading materials, contributing to pupils' enjoyment of literature. In recent assessments, pupils demonstrated progress in reading and writing that surpassed national averages.
Reading is prioritized from the onset of a child's education, with phonics instruction beginning in the Reception class. Support is readily available for those who struggle with early reading, ensuring that all pupils can catch up effectively. The consistent approach to phonics across early years and key stage one allows for a smooth transition as pupils progress through the school. The alignment of reading materials with the phonics curriculum enables pupils to practice their skills at appropriate levels, leading to strong outcomes in reading assessments.
Pupils are engaged and enthusiastic about their learning, actively participating in discussions and respecting each other's viewpoints. Teachers are attuned to the individual needs of their students, fostering an environment where engagement is high and disruptions are minimal. Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is expertly managed, ensuring they achieve well.
Recent efforts have focused on enhancing the science and mathematics curricula. In science, the emphasis has been on developing pupils' investigative skills, with a robust assessment system in place. In mathematics, leaders have identified areas for improvement and revised the curriculum to strengthen basic number skills and mental calculation abilities. Early indications suggest that these changes are positively impacting pupil performance, although further embedding of these practices is necessary.
The early years program is a notable strength, with children quickly adapting to routines and developing good learning habits. Staff demonstrate a deep understanding of children's needs, regularly assessing their progress and adapting the curriculum to align with their interests. This approach ensures that children are well-prepared for the transition to Year one.
Leaders and governors possess a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring that no pupil is removed from the school roll unnecessarily. They are mindful of teachers' workloads, promoting a supportive working environment.
The safeguarding measures in place are effective, with comprehensive training ensuring that staff are well-informed about keeping pupils safe. Leaders respond promptly to safeguarding concerns, collaborating with external agencies to protect pupils. A recent review of safeguarding practices has confirmed that all systems are current and robust.
To further enhance the school's performance, leaders should focus on embedding the revised mathematics curriculum to improve pupils' fluency in mathematics and ensure they are well-prepared for future educational stages. Additionally, the recent changes to assessment in foundation subjects require further development to provide a comprehensive understanding of pupil progress across all subjects.