St John's C of E Primary School in Longsight, Manchester, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The inspection, conducted on January 28 and 29, 2020, highlighted the positive environment within the school, where pupils are described as polite, welcoming, and well-behaved. During lessons, students demonstrate attentiveness and actively participate in discussions, following teachers' instructions effectively. The school has a strong stance against bullying, with staff committed to addressing any incidents that may arise, ensuring that pupils feel safe and happy.
Despite slightly below-average attendance, attributed to a few pupils taking extended family holidays, the school fosters a sense of pride among its students. They engage in various extracurricular activities, including sports clubs and a residential visit for Year 6 students. The school encourages pupils to take on responsibilities, such as serving as school councillors or play leaders, which contributes to their personal development and prepares them for future challenges.
The leadership team, comprising the executive headteacher and head of school, has established a strong and effective management structure. They have successfully implemented necessary improvements since the last inspection, raising expectations for both teachers and pupils. Staff members appreciate the leadership's efforts to support their work-life balance and professional development, fostering a collaborative environment where new teachers quickly integrate into the school community.
The curriculum at St John's is well-structured, building logically on prior learning. Leaders have incorporated four key themes into their curriculum planning, focusing on communication and language, city life, aspirations, and celebrating diversity. This approach ensures that pupils develop into well-rounded individuals ready for the next stage of their education. The English and mathematics curriculums are particularly strong, with teachers demonstrating effective subject knowledge and planning that aligns with pupils' existing skills. As a result, pupils' progress in reading, writing, and mathematics has improved, aligning with national averages by the end of key stage two.
While the leadership of English and mathematics is robust, there is a need for clarity regarding the roles of subject leaders in monitoring and developing the curriculum across other subjects. Senior leaders are encouraged to provide training to empower these leaders to effectively assess the quality of education in their respective areas. The school has made strides in developing systems to monitor pupils' achievements in subjects beyond English and mathematics, although this initiative is still in its early stages.
The reading curriculum is prioritized, with staff well-trained to support pupils from their entry into nursery. Younger children learn phonics effectively, while older pupils engage in well-sequenced reading activities that enhance their comprehension skills. The early years provision is strong, with a curriculum tailored to meet the needs and interests of children, ensuring they are well-prepared for Year 1.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support, and disadvantaged pupils benefit from targeted interventions. The school has established effective systems for safeguarding, with staff trained to recognize and respond to potential risks. Overall, St John's C of E Primary School has made commendable progress, creating a nurturing environment that supports the academic and personal development of its pupils while addressing areas for further improvement.