Summerville Primary School, located in Salford, Greater Manchester, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 29 and 30, 2022. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils reach their potential, with staff maintaining high expectations regarding behavior, attitudes to learning, and achievement. Pupils respond positively to these expectations, demonstrating respectful and polite behavior. The school caters to all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, and children in the early years, who all enjoy their learning experiences. Parents and carers generally report that their children thrive in this supportive environment.
The relationships between staff and pupils are notably positive, with pupils expressing that they feel safe and supported. They are aware that any concerns they raise with trusted adults will be addressed promptly. The school is described by pupils as friendly, and instances of bullying are dealt with swiftly. Pupils have numerous opportunities to demonstrate their caring nature and citizenship, serving as anti-bullying ambassadors and e-cadets, promoting responsible internet use among their peers.
The curriculum at Summerville Primary is ambitious and closely aligned with the national curriculum. Leaders have clearly identified the knowledge they want pupils to acquire in each subject. Teachers are adept at assessing pupils' knowledge and adapting the curriculum to address any gaps in understanding. The curriculum is made engaging and relevant, with local contributions to music, art, and literature being explored. Children in the Nursery and Reception classes develop confidence and curiosity, effectively building their early reading and mathematical skills, which prepares them well for Year 1.
Phonics instruction begins as soon as children enter Reception, fostering a love for reading among most pupils. However, some pupils experience gaps in their phonics knowledge, which the school is addressing through the introduction of a new phonics and reading curriculum. Staff are well-equipped to identify pupils with special educational needs and work closely with parents and specialists to provide necessary support. Pupils with SEND have access to the same ambitious curriculum as their peers, contributing to their success.
Behavior in the school is commendable, with pupils adhering to established rules and demonstrating attentiveness in class. Disruptions during lessons are rare, allowing for a focused learning environment. Beyond academics, the school encourages pupils to explore their interests through various clubs and responsibilities, such as participating in the school council and organizing fundraising activities for charitable causes.
Governors are actively involved in the school, supporting staff with their well-being and workload while maintaining an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with thorough procedures in place to protect pupils. Staff are well-trained in child protection and are vigilant in identifying any risks to pupils' safety.
While the school has many strengths, it recognizes the need to implement its new phonics and reading program effectively to ensure that all pupils can read with accuracy and fluency. Overall, Summerville Primary School continues to provide a nurturing and effective educational environment, fostering both academic and personal growth among its pupils.