Hollingworth Primary School, located in Hyde, Cheshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 13 and 14, 2023. The school fosters a warm and welcoming environment where pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, feel safe and happy. The classrooms are calm and orderly, allowing for effective learning, while active playtimes contribute to a well-rounded school experience. Most pupils are aware of and adhere to the school rules, demonstrating good behavior and respect for their surroundings. Leaders effectively address any instances of bullying, ensuring that pupils know they can seek help from adults when needed.
The school leadership maintains high academic expectations for all pupils, who generally meet these standards and are motivated to work hard. The curriculum has been enhanced to ensure that pupils not only learn more but also retain knowledge effectively. This improvement is evident across various subjects, with most pupils, including those in the early years, achieving commendable results. Pupils express enthusiasm for the diverse clubs and activities available, which help them develop their interests and talents. Leadership roles, such as reading ambassadors, are taken seriously by older pupils, who actively promote a love of reading within the school community.
While the school excels in many areas, there are aspects that require attention. Leaders, governors, and staff are committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve their best. The curriculum is well-structured, building knowledge progressively from the early years through key stage one and beyond. However, some subject leaders are still developing the expertise needed to effectively monitor the impact of the curriculum on pupil achievement. This gap in knowledge can hinder the ability to assess how well pupils are retaining their learning.
In the classroom, teachers effectively explain new concepts and routinely check pupils' understanding. Most pupils can confidently recall prior learning across subjects, including mathematics and history. Disruptions to learning due to poor behavior are rare. The teaching of early reading is particularly strong, with children starting their reading journey as soon as they enter the early years. Staff actively promote language development, creating an engaging environment for learning and play.
Despite these strengths, inconsistencies in the teaching of spelling have been noted, particularly in key stage two. Some pupils may leave school with unaddressed spelling misconceptions, which can hinder their writing progress across subjects. Leaders are encouraged to ensure that spelling instruction is effective and that recent staff training yields the desired outcomes.
Pupils with special educational needs have their needs identified early, and the curriculum is adapted to provide additional support. This approach allows them to learn alongside their peers as much as possible. The school also offers a variety of opportunities for pupils' wider development, encouraging them to consider their impact on the community and environment. Mental health is prioritized, and pupils gain an appreciation for diversity through the curriculum.
Governance at the school is effective, with governors challenging all aspects of the school's work. Staff report high levels of job satisfaction and appreciate the support for their well-being. Most parents and carers hold the school in high regard, often expressing their pride in the school's contributions to the community. The arrangements for safeguarding are robust, with staff trained to recognize and respond to potential risks. Overall, Hollingworth Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a strong foundation for future improvements.