Mottram CofE Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a supportive and nurturing environment for its pupils. The school fosters a family-oriented community where older students take responsibility for younger ones, promoting a culture of care and respect. Leaders and staff maintain high expectations for student achievement, ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, are able to thrive academically. The behavior of pupils is commendable, as they demonstrate politeness and respect towards each other and adults, contributing to a positive learning atmosphere.
Pupils express that they feel safe at school and are aware of whom to approach if they have concerns. The school has a low incidence of bullying, and when issues arise, staff are quick to address them. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including clubs and sports, which enrich the students' educational experience. Pupils take pride in their achievements, such as having their artwork displayed in the community and participating in trips, including residential visits. Responsibilities such as corridor monitors and maintaining the school allotment allow pupils to engage actively in school life.
The curriculum at Mottram CofE Primary School is ambitious and well-structured, catering for the needs of all pupils. Subject curriculums are clearly defined, outlining what students will learn and when. Teachers employ effective assessment strategies to monitor student progress and address any learning gaps. Most teachers possess strong subject knowledge, enabling them to deliver lessons effectively. However, there are a few subjects outside of English and mathematics where some teachers may not deliver the curriculum as effectively, which can hinder some pupils' learning.
Reading is a priority at the school, with phonics instruction beginning in the early years. Staff consistently implement a structured approach to phonics, ensuring that pupils read books that align with their learning. Those who require additional support in reading receive targeted assistance from trained staff, resulting in increased confidence and fluency among most pupils.
The school is proactive in identifying the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, collaborating with external agencies to provide appropriate support. This ensures that these pupils have access to the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. Attendance rates are high, and clear routines help maintain a calm learning environment.
Leaders emphasize the importance of teaching pupils about healthy relationships and fostering respect for diverse faiths and cultures. Pupils actively participate in charitable activities, demonstrating their commitment to supporting their local community. Staff members report high job satisfaction, feeling valued and respected, while governors effectively challenge and support school leadership.
The safeguarding measures in place are robust, with staff trained to recognize and respond to potential risks. Leaders work closely with external agencies to ensure vulnerable pupils receive necessary support. Overall, while the school excels in many areas, there is a need for consistent delivery of the curriculum across all subjects to enhance pupil learning further. The school continues to build on its strengths while addressing areas for improvement to maintain its good standing in the educational community.