St John’s CofE Primary School in Pemberton, Wigan, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on May 11 and 12, 2023. The school provides a supportive environment where pupils feel safe and valued. Clear routines and structures established by the leadership team contribute to a positive atmosphere, fostering trust between pupils and staff. The relationships among pupils, staff, and families are strong, promoting a sense of community and belonging. Pupils exhibit friendliness and confidence, taking pride in their school and enjoying their daily attendance.
The leadership team maintains high expectations for both behavior and academic achievement, which instills self-belief in pupils. This positive culture encourages good behavior, with pupils supporting one another and addressing conflicts constructively. The school effectively manages incidents of bullying, ensuring a safe environment for all. Pupils engage in various extracurricular activities, including musical theatre and art festivals, which enhance their educational experience and personal development.
The curriculum is designed to prepare pupils for future educational stages, with leaders identifying essential knowledge across subjects. Teachers receive high-quality training, enabling them to deliver lessons effectively. Most teachers utilize assessment strategies to monitor pupils' understanding, particularly in mathematics, where regular checks ensure retention of key concepts. However, some subjects require further development in assessment methods to enhance pupils' knowledge retention.
The phonics program is implemented consistently, with early reading instruction beginning in Reception. Books are matched to the phonics knowledge of pupils, allowing for effective practice at home. While most pupils who struggle with reading receive appropriate support, a small number of staff are still developing their expertise in this area, which can affect the progress of a few pupils.
Pupils demonstrate good behavior throughout the school, moving sensibly and showing enthusiasm for learning. Disruptions to lessons are rare, and the school effectively addresses the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. These pupils are included in the same ambitious curriculum as their peers, receiving high-quality support that facilitates their learning.
Beyond academics, the school emphasizes the importance of pupils' development outside the classroom. Pupils engage in various activities that promote citizenship and cultural understanding. School trips broaden their horizons and enhance their knowledge of the world. The school fosters an understanding of British values and current affairs, encouraging pupils to become informed and active members of their community.
Governors play a crucial role in supporting the leadership team, providing guidance and challenge to ensure the school’s priorities are met. Staff express high levels of job satisfaction, feeling supported by leaders who consider their workload in decision-making processes. The recent changes to the marking policy have been positively received, contributing to staff well-being.
The safeguarding arrangements at St John’s are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to potential risks. Leaders ensure that safeguarding is a shared responsibility, and they maintain awareness of local contexts to provide appropriate support for pupils and families. Pupils learn about safety, including online safety and road safety, equipping them with essential knowledge to protect themselves.
While the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for improvement. A small number of staff need further training in delivering aspects of the early reading curriculum to ensure all pupils can catch up quickly. Additionally, enhancing assessment methods in certain subjects will help address gaps in pupils' knowledge more effectively. Overall, St John’s CofE Primary School continues to provide a good education, fostering a nurturing environment for all its pupils.