Barugh Green Primary School, located in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, has recently undergone an inspection on the 28th and 29th of February 2024. The overall effectiveness of the school has been rated as good, reflecting significant improvements since the previous inspection, which had identified the school as requiring improvement. The quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision have all been rated as good.
The school demonstrates high expectations for pupil behaviour and achievement, which are consistently met. Pupils are noted to be polite and exhibit good behaviour throughout the school day. They engage actively with the curriculum and achieve commendable results. The relationships between adults and pupils are characterized by care and respect, fostering an environment where pupils feel comfortable approaching adults with any concerns. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, they are effectively addressed by staff.
Barugh Green Primary School provides various opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests. Pupils participate in competitions, including athletics and dance, and have the chance to learn musical instruments and join the choir. The school organizes purposeful visits that are closely linked to the curriculum, enhancing pupils' learning experiences. For instance, art students visited a local outdoor sculpture park, which helped solidify their understanding of the subject matter.
The school places a strong emphasis on teaching pupils how to keep themselves safe, both online and offline. This initiative has proven successful, as pupils demonstrate a clear understanding of safety measures, such as recognizing secure websites. Reading is identified as a strength within the school, with staff receiving appropriate training to deliver the reading curriculum effectively. Pupils are well-supported in learning phonics, and those who struggle with reading are quickly identified and provided with additional support to help them catch up.
The curriculum at Barugh Green Primary is well-structured and regularly reviewed to ensure effective implementation. Staff feel supported and confident in delivering the curriculum, which includes a focus on essential vocabulary that pupils need to learn. This vocabulary is effectively modeled in lessons, enabling pupils to articulate their understanding with precision. The curriculum is designed to build on pupils' knowledge progressively from early years through to Year 6, although there are some gaps in religious education where pupils struggle to recall previous learning.
The school collaborates with external experts and parents to cater to the learning needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Personalized adjustments are made to ensure these pupils can access the same curriculum as their peers, and they achieve well as a result. Early years provision is strong, with a focus on communication and language development. Staff are trained to ask effective questions that enhance children's vocabulary, preparing them well for their transition to Year 1.
Pupils learn about fundamental British values, including democracy and tolerance, and are encouraged to celebrate individuality. They have opportunities to engage in leadership roles, such as library ambassadors and playground leaders, although these roles are not yet fully embedded. This lack of consistency means that pupils may not fully understand how they can positively impact their school and local community.
Governance at the school is a notable strength, with governors receiving regular training to fulfill their responsibilities effectively. They engage with external experts to maintain an accurate understanding of the school's performance, enabling them to support and challenge the school in identifying areas for improvement.
The arrangements for safeguarding at Barugh Green Primary School are effective, ensuring that pupils are safe and well cared for. However, there are areas for improvement. Some pupils struggle to remember what they have learned about different faiths and cultures, which may hinder their preparedness for life in modern Britain. The school is encouraged to enhance its religious education curriculum to ensure pupils have a clear and accurate understanding of various religions.
Additionally, leadership opportunities for pupils need to be more firmly established to foster a better understanding of citizenship. By embedding these roles, pupils can learn how to contribute positively to their school and community. Overall, Barugh Green Primary School has made significant strides in its educational provision, creating a supportive and engaging environment for its pupils.