Lacewood Primary School, located in Bolton-on-Dearne, Rotherham, has been rated as good in its recent inspection conducted on 27 and 28 June 2023. The school’s motto, Always trying our best to be our best, reflects the commitment of both staff and leaders to the well-being and academic success of their pupils. The environment at Lacewood is one where students feel safe, happy, and supported, fostering positive relationships between pupils and staff. The school encourages pupils to engage in school life and contribute to the local community through various initiatives, including charity work and roles of responsibility such as art and reading ambassadors.
The curriculum at Lacewood is ambitious and designed to build knowledge progressively from the early years. Subject leaders are passionate and provide effective support to teachers, ensuring that the curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The school has clear curriculum plans that outline what teachers are expected to teach, and pupils are encouraged to explore subjects beyond the national curriculum. For instance, in art, pupils learn about various artists and art movements, which helps them develop critical thinking and evaluative skills.
Behaviour at the school is commendable, with pupils demonstrating respect and good manners. They move around the school in an orderly manner and understand the concept of bullying, recognizing it as unacceptable. The school has effective measures in place to address any incidents of bullying, ensuring that they are dealt with promptly.
While the school excels in many areas, there are aspects that require improvement. Although leaders have established a strong curriculum framework, the consistency in teaching approaches varies. Some lessons do not effectively adapt to the diverse needs of pupils, particularly those with SEND, which can hinder their ability to work independently. Leaders need to ensure that teachers follow a unified approach to assessing pupils' understanding and that this information is used to tailor lessons accordingly.
Reading is prioritized across the school, with leaders ensuring that phonics teaching is effective. Regular training for staff and well-matched reading materials help pupils learn to read quickly. The early years provision is also strong, with adults effectively engaging with children to develop their language and independence.
The school promotes personal development by teaching pupils about safety, healthy relationships, and citizenship. The school council plays a significant role in improving school life, such as enhancing behaviour during lunchtimes. Leaders also support pupils who need additional help with their behaviour and have established effective systems to monitor attendance, working closely with external agencies to support those who are persistently absent.
Overall, Lacewood Primary School creates a positive environment for both pupils and staff, with a strong focus on well-being and academic achievement. The local governing body is well-informed and supports leaders in their efforts for continuous improvement. However, to enhance the quality of education further, leaders must focus on ensuring consistent teaching practices and effective assessment strategies to meet the varied needs of all pupils.