Thurlstone Primary School is recognized as a happy and successful institution where pupils take pride in their attendance. The school fosters an engaging learning environment, with students demonstrating enthusiasm and persistence, even when faced with challenging material. Behaviour is exemplary, both in lessons and during social interactions, with incidents of bullying being extremely rare and effectively managed by staff. The leadership team maintains high expectations for student achievement and is currently implementing a redesigned curriculum that builds on previous offerings. While pupils are generally learning well, some gaps in knowledge remain due to weaker elements of the prior curriculum.
Parents express strong support for the school, viewing it as a central part of the community. Students actively contribute to community initiatives, such as delivering treats to elderly residents and fundraising for families in need. Opportunities for responsibility are provided, particularly for older pupils who mentor younger students. The school also offers enriching experiences, including outdoor pursuits for Year 6 students during their residential trip.
The curriculum has been recently strengthened, clearly outlining what students should learn and when. Leaders have broken down the curriculum into manageable steps, allowing teachers to focus on essential knowledge. Teachers assess understanding and address misconceptions effectively. Early indications suggest that the new curriculum will help students acquire ambitious knowledge and skills over time. However, in some subjects, the implementation is still new, and teachers may not always employ the most effective strategies to ensure long-term retention of knowledge. Leaders are refining their approach to monitoring knowledge retention.
Reading instruction is a priority, with teachers trained in early reading strategies. Regular checks ensure that students remember what they have learned, and books are matched to their reading abilities, promoting fluency. Support is provided for pupils who need additional help to keep pace with their peers.
In the early years, leaders have identified key knowledge and skills for children to acquire. Activities are carefully selected to extend learning from teacher-led sessions, and staff provide close supervision to guide children effectively. Clear routines help children feel secure and focused, contributing to their rapid learning.
The school effectively meets the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, providing clear targets and monitoring to ensure appropriate support. Behaviour in lessons is calm, with students showing high levels of concentration and respect for one another. While staff address poor behaviour promptly, there is a lack of detailed reporting on behaviour trends to governors, limiting their ability to evaluate and improve behaviour further.
Pupils retain knowledge from their personal, social, and health education lessons, learning about fairness and different faiths. The school offers a wide range of enriching activities, including educational visits that enhance the curriculum and celebrate the local community.
Leaders are committed to continuous improvement and are well-regarded by parents and staff. High morale among staff is evident, with access to regular training in curriculum design and pedagogy. Governors support the school effectively but need to enhance their systems for monitoring behaviour and the impact of pupil premium funding. While the school does not currently face significant issues, there are opportunities for further development in ensuring that disadvantaged pupils fully benefit from extracurricular activities and that governors receive detailed reports to hold leaders accountable. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff knowledgeable about pupil safety and well-being. Overall, Thurlstone Primary School provides a positive educational experience, with a strong foundation for future growth and improvement.