Silkstone Common Junior and Infant School is a small village school located in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. The school has a welcoming and friendly atmosphere where staff prioritize getting to know pupils well. Positive relationships are fostered, and there is a strong emphasis on creating a happy learning environment. The school is inclusive, providing effective support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Leaders maintain high expectations for both behavior and learning, which contributes to pupils feeling proud of their school and enjoying their lessons.
Pupils feel safe and are educated about bullying, knowing how to seek help if needed. Incidents of bullying are rare, and pupils are confident that staff will address any issues effectively. The school encourages pupils to take on responsibilities, and they appreciate the various opportunities available to them, including residential trips and visits to museums. Older pupils enjoy mentoring younger ones, particularly in reading, and many participate in the school orchestra and special reading sessions with a therapy dog.
The curriculum is broad and ambitious, with a clear sequence from early years to Year 6. Key questions are used to stimulate pupils' thinking, and teachers help them apply their knowledge in practical investigations, particularly in subjects like science and mathematics. However, some subjects are undergoing curriculum redesign, and leaders are working to identify essential knowledge for teachers to convey effectively.
Subject leaders are knowledgeable and enthusiastic but lack sufficient training opportunities to enhance their expertise. Reading is a central focus of the curriculum, with pupils encouraged to read frequently and for various purposes. The school has introduced a new phonics program, which is in the early stages of implementation. Reception pupils begin phonics instruction early, and teachers ensure that reading materials align with the sounds pupils are learning. Additional support is provided for those who need it, and leaders regularly assess the effectiveness of the phonics program.
The personal development curriculum begins in the early years, preparing pupils for life in modern Britain. Pupils learn about relationships, respect for diversity, and the importance of mental and physical health. They have opportunities to develop musical and sporting skills and take on leadership roles within the school community.
Staff welfare is a priority for leaders, who recognize the challenges of working in a small school. Most parents and carers express positive views about the school, appreciating the friendly and approachable staff. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize signs of risk and to support pupils in understanding how to keep themselves safe. Leaders respond promptly to any concerns raised and collaborate with external agencies when necessary.
To improve, the school needs to provide subject leaders with better access to training and support to enhance their skills and knowledge. Additionally, there is a need for clearer identification and sequencing of key knowledge in some subjects to aid teachers in delivering a coherent curriculum. Overall, Silkstone Common Junior and Infant School demonstrates a commitment to providing a quality education in a supportive environment, with areas identified for further development to enhance the learning experience for all pupils.