Ecclesfield Primary School, located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, has recently undergone an inspection, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on the 8th and 9th of May 2024, and the school has demonstrated a commitment to providing a positive educational experience for its pupils. The school environment is described as one where pupils feel happy and safe, with strong pastoral support in place. Children in the early years quickly adapt to routines and exhibit positive attitudes towards their learning.
The school maintains high expectations for pupil achievement, although the outcomes in national tests for Year 6 pupils in 2023 did not meet these expectations. However, the school is actively working on improvements to enhance the academic performance of current pupils, who are making good progress from their starting points. Most pupils display good behavior in lessons and throughout the school, although there are instances where behavior expectations are not consistently upheld.
Pupils receive education on safety and health through the wider curriculum, and they appreciate the opportunities for school trips and interactions with visitors from various professions. These experiences help to raise their aspirations and develop leadership skills through roles such as peer mediators and eco-warriors. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, catering for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Learning activities are adapted to ensure accessibility, and the curriculum is well-sequenced to build knowledge effectively.
Despite the strengths in the curriculum, there are inconsistencies in its implementation across subjects. In some areas, pupils may not fully understand what they are learning or why, which can hinder their progression. The early years curriculum effectively prepares children for key stage one, with a focus on communication and language needs being promptly identified and addressed.
The school has established effective systems to monitor pupil knowledge and address any gaps through timely interventions. Pupils with special educational needs learn alongside their peers and receive appropriate support. Phonics instruction is delivered consistently, enabling younger pupils to develop reading skills effectively. Most pupils read confidently and with increasing fluency.
While behavior in school is generally good, there are occasions when expectations are not consistently enforced, leading to disruptions in learning. Attendance is a concern for a small minority of pupils, particularly those with special educational needs, as some miss valuable learning opportunities due to family holidays. The school is actively working to improve attendance through collaboration with external agencies and support for families.
The governing body is aware of the school's strengths and areas for development, and leaders are making strides to enhance pupil outcomes. Staff feel supported and take pride in their work at Ecclesfield Primary School. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils.
To improve further, the school needs to ensure consistent implementation of the curriculum across all subjects and establish clear expectations for behavior management. Additionally, efforts to improve attendance must continue to ensure that all pupils benefit from their education. Overall, Ecclesfield Primary School is making significant progress in providing a quality education for its pupils while addressing areas for improvement.