Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Menston Primary School on 24 April 2018, following its previous judgment of good in February 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the guidance of the headteacher, has set high standards and a clear vision for improvement, supported by a committed deputy headteacher. Staff members are dedicated to enhancing their teaching practices and appreciate the training opportunities provided. Pupils express enjoyment in their learning and participate actively in enrichment activities, leading to attendance rates consistently above the national average.
Parents and carers generally hold positive views about the school, with many recommending it. However, some concerns were raised regarding staff turnover and the handling of bullying incidents. The school has addressed areas for improvement identified in the previous inspection, particularly in mathematics teaching, which has shown significant progress. The use of mathematical equipment has become a regular feature in lessons, and pupils report that this aids their understanding. Consequently, outcomes in mathematics have improved, with Year 6 pupils' progress exceeding the national average.
The school has also focused on challenging the most able pupils, with many reporting feeling adequately challenged in their learning. The results indicate that a higher percentage of Year 6 pupils achieved the higher standard in combined reading, writing, and mathematics compared to the national average. Nevertheless, the school recognizes the need to further support boys in achieving greater depth in writing, particularly in Years 3 and 4.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with leaders ensuring that staff training is regularly updated. Pupils feel safe and happy at school, and records indicate that bullying is infrequent. However, some pupils expressed concerns about the persistence of bullying after reporting incidents. The inspection highlighted the need for improvements in the recording and updating of information related to contractor checks.
The inspection findings revealed a focus on improving boys' attainment in reading and writing. The school has prioritized developing a consistent approach to writing, introducing varied texts to stimulate interest. Opportunities for editing and re-drafting work have been provided, which pupils find beneficial. Current data shows that boys' writing attainment is improving, particularly among middle prior-attaining boys in Years 5 and 6. However, there is still work to be done to enhance writing opportunities in Key Stage 1 and to encourage longer writing across the curriculum.
Pupils' phonics outcomes have consistently exceeded national averages, and a culture of reading has been fostered throughout the school. Pupils have access to a variety of high-quality books, contributing to their confidence and enjoyment in reading. The school has also worked on developing the skills of middle leaders, although further development is needed due to recent staffing changes. Middle leaders require more ownership of assessment information to effectively raise pupil achievement.
The next steps for the school include providing more opportunities for pupils to improve their writing in Key Stage 1, encouraging longer writing in subjects beyond English, and continuing to enhance boys' writing skills in Years 3 and 4. Additionally, the skills of middle leaders should be further developed to strengthen their role in improving pupil outcomes. Overall, Menston Primary School demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and a positive learning environment for its pupils.