Ofsted conducted a short inspection of St Matthew's Catholic Primary School on 30 January 2018, following its previous judgment of good in June 2013. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under Mrs. Katy Cox, has effectively focused on enhancing the school's leadership and invested in staff development, benefiting from the expertise of local leaders and specialist leaders of education. Many staff members are pursuing national professional qualifications, demonstrating a commitment to professional growth.
The leadership team has successfully addressed previous areas for improvement, particularly in increasing the quality of teaching and enhancing reading and writing skills for all pupils, including disadvantaged students and those with special educational needs. The school has implemented strong staff development initiatives and collaborative practices with other schools, resulting in challenging work for all pupils. Improvements in pupil progress in reading and writing at the end of key stage two are evident, showcasing the effectiveness of these actions.
The school has fostered a collaborative culture among staff and governors, who support the leadership's commitment to improving teaching and learning. Regular monitoring of teaching quality has been established, leading to strong teaching across the school. As a result, pupils' skills in reading and writing have improved significantly. Attendance has also been a focus, with initiatives introduced to raise its profile. The school has made progress in aligning attendance with national averages, although further efforts are needed to improve attendance among disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with a strong culture of safety within the school. The leadership team has ensured that safeguarding arrangements are thorough, and staff are well-trained in child protection. Pupils feel safe and know whom to approach with concerns, and instances of bullying are rare and effectively managed.
The inspection highlighted the positive relationships between staff and pupils, contributing to exemplary behavior in lessons and around the school. The environment is inclusive and caring, where both pupils and staff feel valued. Monitoring systems implemented since the last inspection have shown that teaching quality is consistently good, with teachers providing appropriate challenges for all pupils. The progress of disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs matches that of their peers.
Overall, outcomes for pupils have remained strong, with improvements noted in reading, writing, and mathematics. The school has successfully supported pupils who enter with below-average skills, ensuring that most achieve expected standards by the end of Year 6. Continuous improvement is evident across all year groups, although there is a need to enhance the achievement of the most able pupils.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that outcomes for the most able pupils continue to improve and that attendance for all pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs, is further enhanced. The governance of the school is a strength, with governors providing effective challenge and support to school leaders. They are committed to the continuous improvement of the school and have high aspirations for all pupils. The school community is proud of its caring and inclusive environment, which supports the progress of all pupils effectively.