Lee Mount Primary School, located in Halifax, West Yorkshire, has undergone an inspection that revealed a significant decline in the quality of education since its last evaluation, which was rated as outstanding. The overall effectiveness of the school is currently deemed to require improvement across several key areas, including leadership and management, teaching quality, personal development, behavior, welfare, and pupil outcomes.
The inspection highlighted that while there have been efforts to improve the situation, the quality of teaching remains inconsistent across different year groups. Over the past three years, published outcomes for pupils at the end of key stages have been poor, although there are signs of improvement in the progress of current pupils. The curriculum has been designed to provide a wide range of first-hand experiences, but these are not always effectively planned to enhance learning. The contribution of teaching assistants to pupil learning is variable, often minimal during whole-class teaching sessions.
Leaders have struggled to identify the specific barriers to learning faced by disadvantaged pupils, resulting in their outcomes lagging behind those of their peers nationally. Despite these challenges, the school has strengths, particularly in promoting pupils' personal development, which is considered a strong aspect of the school. Pupils demonstrate empathy and maturity, and they appreciate the variety of sports clubs and competitions available to them.
However, the report notes that teachers often lack the necessary subject knowledge, which affects their ability to address pupils' misconceptions consistently. Additionally, assessments are not used effectively to tailor work to meet pupils' needs, hindering their progress. Senior and middle leaders have not consistently taken responsibility for improving teaching in their respective subjects, and the quality of teaching in the early years is also inconsistent.
While leaders have made strides in improving attendance rates, a significant number of pupils remain regularly absent from school. Most pupils show a willingness to learn, but ineffective teaching can lead to a loss of concentration and low-level disruption. The governing body has been effective in holding leaders accountable, and there is a positive ethos of care within the school, with staff reflecting a determination to improve despite the current challenges.
To enhance the quality of education, the school must focus on improving teaching, learning, and assessment to ensure consistency and effectiveness. This includes ensuring that teaching staff possess strong subject knowledge, utilize accurate assessments, maintain high expectations for pupil behavior and achievement, and effectively address misconceptions. Additionally, the effectiveness of leadership and management needs to be strengthened through professional development for leaders and targeted support for disadvantaged pupils.
The early years provision also requires improvement, as the quality of teaching is not consistently effective, and activities do not always challenge children sufficiently. The school must ensure that all pupils, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities, receive the support they need to make good progress. Overall, while there are positive aspects to the school, significant work is needed to address the areas identified for improvement to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential.