Shade Primary School, located in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, has been rated as good in its recent inspection conducted on May 10 and 11, 2023. The school is characterized by a friendly community where pupils feel a strong sense of belonging. They report feeling safe and well cared for, with trust in the adults to address any concerns. Instances of bullying are rare, and when issues arise, they are handled effectively by the staff.
The leadership team, including governors and staff, maintains high expectations for all pupils, ensuring that the school’s vision of providing every child with every chance every day is realized. Pupils receive the necessary support to succeed and are well-prepared for the next stages of their education. In the classroom, pupils demonstrate good behavior and manners, contributing to a positive learning environment. Teachers engage students with interesting lessons, and the curriculum extends beyond the classroom through various local visits that enhance learning experiences.
Music education is a notable strength of the school, with every pupil learning to play the violin or cello in Year 4, and many continuing in subsequent years. Piano lessons are also available, and singing is an integral part of school life, with many pupils participating in the choir and enjoying performances for the community.
The school has implemented a curriculum that captivates and engages pupils, with a clear sequence of important knowledge. In subjects like music, specific vocabulary has been identified and sequenced, allowing pupils to articulate their understanding effectively. However, vocabulary development is not consistently applied across all subjects, leading to gaps in pupils' ability to explain their learning in certain areas.
In early reading and mathematics, teachers effectively use assessments to monitor understanding and address gaps in learning. They adapt lessons to ensure pupils can keep up. Conversely, in some foundation subjects, such as history, teachers do not check pupils' learning as thoroughly, which can hinder progress and understanding.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support, with early identification of their needs and adaptations made to facilitate their learning alongside peers. The school promotes a love of reading, with daily reading sessions and a well-stocked library. Pupils are immersed in literature from an early age, preparing them well for reading as they progress through the school.
The early years curriculum is ambitious, fostering cooperation, curiosity, and resilience among children. Staff utilize well-chosen resources to support exploration and learning. Pupils learn about British values through personal, social, health, and economic education, participating in school councils and various clubs that extend their learning beyond the classroom.
Governors provide effective support and challenge to school leaders, understanding the challenges faced by the school and using their expertise to drive improvement. Staff feel well-supported and appreciate the training and consideration provided by school leaders.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff receiving thorough training to identify and address any issues that may arise. Leaders are proactive in seeking support for pupils and ensuring that all adults working with children are suitable.
To improve further, the school needs to ensure that teachers are aware of gaps in pupils' knowledge in foundation subjects and use assessment effectively to address misconceptions. Additionally, the curriculum should include subject-specific vocabulary to enhance pupils' ability to articulate their learning across all subjects.