Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Eastborough Junior Infant and Nursery School on January 12, 2023, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the progress made by the school since the last graded inspection. The findings indicate that while the school continues to require improvement, there have been notable advancements in various areas.
The leadership team, under the guidance of Headteacher Tracy Mahmood, has concentrated on enhancing the curriculum. Efforts have been made to develop curriculum plans beyond English and mathematics, with a clear focus on what pupils should learn in different subjects and at what stages. For instance, in subjects like French and music, curriculum leaders have identified key knowledge that students are expected to retain. Additionally, the school has been refining its language strategy, emphasizing subject-specific vocabulary to aid pupils' understanding across various disciplines. This vocabulary is actively highlighted in lessons, contributing positively to the learning environment.
The phonics curriculum has also seen significant refinement since the previous inspection. The leadership has ensured that all teaching staff receive adequate training in the chosen phonics program. Recognizing that some pupils require additional support to develop their reading skills, the school has implemented measures to provide this assistance. Furthermore, the school continues to support pupils who speak English as an additional language, leading to improvements in the quality of phonics provision.
Attendance remains a priority for the school, with ongoing efforts to engage families and promote regular attendance. Strategies have been further developed to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The use of an achievement book has proven effective in tracking and supporting these students.
The leadership style at Eastborough is characterized by calmness and focus, with improvement plans that are practical and targeted towards achieving the greatest impact on pupils. The emphasis on staff development is particularly noteworthy, as staff members appreciate the support they receive to enhance their skills.
Since the last inspection, the school has benefited from a range of support from various agencies. The leadership has effectively shaped this support to align with the school’s improvement goals. The collaboration with the local authority has been particularly beneficial, with the headteacher working closely with external support to ensure that improvements are sustained and progress is made at a steady pace.
Overall, while Eastborough Junior Infant and Nursery School still requires improvement, the steps taken by the leadership team demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the educational experience for all pupils. The focus on curriculum development, phonics instruction, attendance promotion, and support for pupils with additional needs reflects a proactive approach to addressing the challenges faced by the school. Continued efforts in these areas, along with the ongoing support from external agencies, are essential for the school to achieve a good rating in future inspections. The positive impact of the leadership's strategies is evident, and with sustained focus and dedication, the school is on a path toward improvement.