Westmoor Primary School, located in Dewsbury Moor, West Yorkshire, has been recognized as a good school following its recent inspection on April 30 and May 1, 2024. The school fosters a positive and inclusive environment where pupils take pride in their attendance and exhibit enthusiasm for learning. The nurturing relationships among staff and students contribute to a sense of happiness and safety, encouraging pupils to strive for success. The school maintains high aspirations for all its students, which is reflected in their determination to achieve.
The curriculum, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics, is effective from the early years, enabling pupils to achieve commendable results. Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) students receive exceptional support, ensuring they can learn alongside their peers. Disadvantaged pupils also make significant progress, benefiting from the school's commitment to equality and fairness. The diverse school community is valued by pupils, who demonstrate respect and responsibility in their interactions with one another and their environment.
In the classroom, pupils display focus and positive attitudes towards their learning. They navigate the school calmly and adhere to clear and fair behavior expectations. Incidents of bullying are rare, with some misunderstandings regarding the term itself being addressed by school leaders. The school council has introduced engaging activities during playtime, such as den building and a mud kitchen, which pupils enjoy and believe contribute to a happy atmosphere.
The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, with pupils excelling in core subjects. The early years curriculum effectively prepares children for key stage one, and teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge. They assess pupils' understanding and select activities that enhance their learning. In design and technology, for instance, Year 1 pupils take pride in creating a variety of puppets for their class puppet theatre.
Pupils with SEND are integrated into the same curriculum as their classmates, with their needs promptly identified and addressed. The support provided by teachers and staff allows these pupils to thrive both academically and socially. The school has made strides in developing pupils' vocabulary across subjects, particularly in mathematics, where discussions about learning are encouraged. However, opportunities for discussion in other subjects are limited, hindering pupils' ability to practice their language skills and produce more complex writing.
Reading is central to the school's educational approach, with leaders ensuring that all pupils develop strong reading skills to support their overall learning. Pupils enjoy a diverse selection of books, and older students actively recommend titles to their peers. Phonics lessons are well-structured, although there are occasions when reading sessions with adults do not sufficiently focus on developing fluency.
Despite the school's strengths, overall attendance remains a challenge, although leaders are actively working with parents to emphasize the importance of regular attendance. The school promotes personal development from the early years, teaching pupils about health, happiness, and safety. Pupils engage in school life as active citizens, contributing to community initiatives such as a local food bank.
The range of extracurricular clubs reflects pupils' interests, with popular activities including football, cricket, and computing. Governors share the school's high ambitions and provide valuable support and challenge to leaders. Staff express appreciation for the consideration given to their well-being, which has helped reduce workload.
The safeguarding arrangements at Westmoor Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The school is committed to continuous improvement, particularly in enhancing oracy skills across the curriculum, enabling pupils to confidently use and apply vocabulary in their oral and written work. Overall, Westmoor Primary School continues to provide a supportive and effective educational experience for its pupils.