Hartshead Junior and Infant School is a small village school located in Liversedge, West Yorkshire, that has been recognized as a good school. The inspection conducted on 19 November 2019 confirmed this status, highlighting the positive environment fostered by the school community. The school is characterized by strong relationships among pupils and staff, creating a safe and caring atmosphere where students feel valued and supported. The commitment of the staff to help pupils reach their potential is evident, and this dedication contributes to the overall enjoyment of school life among the students.
Pupils at Hartshead are enthusiastic about their learning and actively engage in lessons, which leads to good academic outcomes. The curriculum is designed to inspire students, incorporating hands-on experiences that enhance their understanding. Notable activities this term included visits from a tractor and chickens for a farm-themed project, as well as a mobile planetarium to support learning about the solar system. The school also organizes an annual trip to Filey, where students participate in a unique assembly by the sea, further enriching their educational experience.
Behavior at the school is commendable, with pupils demonstrating a clear understanding of the behavior system in place. Instances of sanctions are rare, and students report that they are more often recognized for their hard work and achievements. The leadership team has established effective measures to address any rare occurrences of bullying, ensuring that pupils feel confident in reporting issues to adults.
The headteacher has cultivated an ambitious culture focused on the achievement of all pupils, supported by governors and staff who are committed to continuous improvement. The teaching of reading has been prioritized, with a strong phonics program implemented from the Reception year. The reading curriculum is well-structured, allowing pupils to build their phonics knowledge progressively. Staff training ensures that teachers are equipped to deliver phonics instruction effectively, and additional support is provided to those who may struggle, enabling them to read with confidence and understanding.
Pupils express a high level of enthusiasm for reading, with teachers regularly reading to them and exposing them to a variety of vocabulary and authors. Students appreciate the importance of reading and enjoy participating in reading competitions that motivate them to engage with books more frequently. However, some pupils have indicated a desire for more time dedicated to reading during school hours to deepen their immersion in literature.
The school has clear expectations for what pupils should learn across the national curriculum, and subject leaders are actively working to enhance the quality of education in their respective areas. Ongoing assessments help teachers tailor their instruction to meet the needs of all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. While the curriculum for core subjects like English and mathematics is well-developed, leaders recognize that the foundation subjects require further refinement.
Personal development is a key focus, with the curriculum preparing pupils for life in modern Britain. Students participate in community events and take on responsibilities within the school, fostering a sense of belonging and contribution. The positive behavior exhibited by pupils reflects their engagement and respect for one another, as they demonstrate good manners and cooperation throughout the school day.
The safeguarding measures in place are effective, with a strong culture of safety established by the leadership team. Staff receive regular training to stay informed about safeguarding procedures, ensuring that they can identify and address any concerns promptly. The curriculum also includes lessons on personal safety, equipping pupils with the knowledge to protect themselves in various situations.
In summary, Hartshead Junior and Infant School continues to provide a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils, fostering both academic success and personal growth. The commitment of the staff and the positive relationships within the school community contribute to its ongoing success as a good school.