Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School has been recognized as a good school, maintaining high standards in education and personal development. The school prioritizes the needs of its pupils, offering an ambitious curriculum that caters to all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The staff fosters strong relationships with students and their families, creating a nurturing environment where pupils feel safe and happy. This positive atmosphere contributes to excellent behavior and a strong attitude towards learning, with students eager to participate in lessons and share their ideas.
Older students have opportunities to take on leadership roles, which helps them develop confidence and responsibility. They can apply for various positions, such as personal assistants to staff and mental health ambassadors, which encourages them to support their peers and contribute to school improvement. This involvement prepares them to be active members of society.
The school has implemented a well-structured curriculum that emphasizes local history and geography, ensuring that learning builds on prior knowledge. Teachers employ effective strategies to help students retain information and understand new concepts. However, there are inconsistencies in the implementation of the curriculum across different subjects, particularly in the teaching of French, where some students do not progress as expected.
Reading is a significant focus at Rawdon Littlemoor, with a dedicated phonics program that supports early literacy development. The school promotes a love for reading through inviting classroom environments and a variety of reading materials. Despite these strengths, variations in phonics teaching methods may hinder some students' fluency as they transition between groups or read with different adults.
The personal development of pupils is commendable, with numerous extracurricular activities available, including sports and creative clubs. The school emphasizes the importance of health and well-being through its personal, social, and health education curriculum, teaching students about healthy relationships and mental health.
In the early years, children receive a strong foundation for their education, benefiting from positive interactions with adults who support their language and communication skills. The curriculum in early years is designed to prepare children for future learning, and those with special educational needs are well-supported.
Behavior throughout the school is exemplary, with clear routines and high expectations leading to a positive learning environment. Pupils engage in collaborative play during recess, utilizing various play equipment to foster teamwork and social skills.
Leadership at Rawdon Littlemoor is characterized by a commitment to achieving the best outcomes for students and their families. The governing body is actively involved in monitoring the school's performance and ensuring accountability. They regularly visit the school to assess the impact of policies and plans.
The school's safeguarding measures are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Consistency in phonics teaching methods is necessary to support all students effectively. Additionally, the curriculum should be further developed to enhance the teaching of disciplinary knowledge across subjects, allowing pupils to deepen their understanding and learning experiences. Overall, Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School continues to provide a solid educational foundation for its students, preparing them well for their future endeavors.