Greenside Primary School in Chapeltown, Pudsey, West Yorkshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 11 and 12, 2024. The school is characterized by a safe and inclusive environment where pupils feel happy and supported. Leaders and staff maintain high expectations for all students, ensuring they receive the necessary support to thrive academically and socially. The school fosters a harmonious atmosphere where pupils demonstrate respect, honesty, politeness, and kindness. Instances of bullying are reported to be rare, and pupils express confidence in the staff's ability to address any concerns promptly.
The school emphasizes its five curriculum drivers: community, resilience, creativity, aspiration, and diversity. These values are integrated into various aspects of school life, contributing to positive attitudes among pupils. Students take pride in representing their school in sports and community events, reinforcing their sense of belonging and pride in their educational experience.
Greenside Primary School has developed an ambitious and well-structured curriculum that is effectively sequenced across subjects. Key knowledge is clearly mapped out, aiding pupils in their learning journey. The curriculum is enriched with real-life experiences, such as trips to Scarborough, which enhance the learning process and make it memorable. Mathematics is identified as a particular strength, with pupils demonstrating a solid recall of previously learned concepts, which supports their ongoing learning.
However, there are areas for improvement. While the school excels in mathematics, some subjects show variability in pupils' ability to recall key knowledge. This inconsistency can hinder the effective building upon prior learning. The school is encouraged to enhance assessment practices to ensure that prior knowledge is embedded more effectively in lessons.
Reading instruction is prioritized, with staff trained to deliver a phonics program. While most teachers implement this program effectively, a small number are still developing their skills, leading to variability in phonics instruction. The school is advised to ensure that all staff are confident and skilled in delivering the phonics program consistently.
The early years provision has seen significant improvements, with a vibrant learning environment that encourages independence and collaboration among children. High expectations are set for all learners, and children engage in practical activities that support their development across various domains.
The school values diversity and promotes understanding of different cultures through various activities, including world dance and music workshops. Pupils have ample opportunities to participate in extracurricular clubs and activities, contributing to their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. Leadership roles are available for pupils, allowing them to develop their skills and confidence.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is robust, with tailored resources and dedicated spaces for those with complex needs. The school fosters an inclusive environment where all pupils can participate fully in school life.
Staff morale is high, with a strong sense of community among the team. The leadership team prioritizes staff well-being and workload management, creating a supportive work environment. Governors are actively involved in driving and monitoring continuous improvement within the school.
The safeguarding arrangements at Greenside Primary School are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils. The school is encouraged to continue its efforts in addressing the identified areas for improvement, particularly in enhancing the consistency of phonics instruction and ensuring that all pupils can effectively recall and build upon their prior knowledge across subjects. Overall, Greenside Primary School remains a good school, committed to providing a high-quality education for its pupils.