Gildersome Primary School, located in Leeds, West Yorkshire, underwent an inspection on January 13 and 14, 2022, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has made significant improvements since its previous inspection, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The leadership team has established a warm and inclusive environment that emphasizes academic success alongside the values of nurture, aspire, and achieve. This focus has resulted in a positive atmosphere where pupils feel safe and supported in their learning.
Pupils exhibit good behavior both in lessons and throughout the school, allowing them to concentrate on their studies without distractions. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, staff address them effectively. The school fosters a culture where pupils are encouraged to express their opinions and engage in discussions, enhancing their vocabulary and confidence. Many students take on additional responsibilities, such as serving as reading buddies or participating in the school council, which actively contributes to the wider community.
The curriculum at Gildersome Primary is rich and well-structured, aligning with the national curriculum's ambitions. Leaders have carefully planned the curriculum from the early years foundation stage, ensuring that subject knowledge is taught in a logical sequence. Teachers are aware of prior learning and build upon it effectively. However, some teachers do not consistently ensure that all pupils grasp the essential knowledge outlined in the curriculum. The school has prioritized reading, implementing a new phonics scheme that has been well-received, and providing targeted support for pupils who need to catch up.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support, with staff knowledgeable about their individual needs. The school has established effective support plans to ensure these pupils can access the full curriculum. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with younger children quickly learning to follow routines and respect one another. The personal, social, health, and economic education curriculum helps pupils understand diversity and the importance of health and safety.
Governance at Gildersome Primary is strong, with governors effectively holding school leaders accountable and providing strategic direction. They value training and support from external partners, which contributes to the school's overall effectiveness. Staff well-being is a priority for leaders, and staff report feeling well-supported.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff receiving regular training on various safeguarding issues. They are vigilant in identifying signs of potential harm and act promptly on concerns. Although most staff are knowledgeable about community risks, a few are less aware of some broader safeguarding issues. Nevertheless, pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe and feel secure in the school environment.
To further improve, the school needs to ensure that the full ambition of the planned curriculum is consistently implemented across all subjects. Some pupils currently lack sufficient opportunities to revisit key knowledge, which affects their long-term retention of information. Leaders should focus on providing regular opportunities for pupils to recap and embed important knowledge to enhance their learning outcomes. Overall, Gildersome Primary School has made commendable progress and continues to strive for excellence in education.