Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Little London Community Primary School on 16 October 2023, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection, rather than to assign an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the interim headteacher, senior leaders, staff, governors, and a representative from the local authority, as well as classroom visits and evaluations of curriculum design.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to achieve a good rating. The interim headteacher, appointed in September 2023, has quickly and accurately identified areas of improvement and those requiring accelerated progress. The school has prioritized curriculum areas to enhance the quality of education, with notable improvements in the clarity of curriculum design in foundation subjects. In subjects like geography, the knowledge to be learned is well-defined, although the school recognizes the need for similar clarity across all subjects to support teachers in their instructional choices.
The early years curriculum has also seen significant strengthening, with a focus on enhancing both indoor and outdoor learning environments. The curriculum across the seven areas of learning has been more clearly defined, aiding staff in their interactions with children and the activities provided to support learning. Subject leaders have received professional development to ensure that their subjects build effectively from the foundational experiences of children in school.
The governing body has undergone several changes, including the appointment of a new chair. The governing body is developing its effectiveness and has a clear understanding of its statutory duties. However, there is a need for continued development to ensure robust challenge and support for school leaders in raising standards. The school is utilizing external support to address areas of greatest need, particularly in enhancing safeguarding practices and promoting positive learning behaviors in classrooms.
The school has raised its ambitions for pupils, which is becoming increasingly clear and understood by leaders at all levels. There is an ongoing commitment to developing senior and middle leaders to ensure that this ambition is reflected in the quality of the curriculum and its delivery in classrooms. The school has also engaged effectively with parents, involving them in the school improvement journey.
Overall, the school has made rapid progress since the previous inspection, with improvement efforts accelerating in the current term. The leadership team is focused on ensuring that the necessary actions are taken to raise standards and improve the educational experience for all pupils. The monitoring inspection highlights the importance of clearly defining the knowledge that pupils will learn in foundation subjects and strengthening governance to provide effective challenge and support. The school is on a positive trajectory, but continued effort is required to achieve the desired outcomes for its students.