Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Barwick-in-Elmet Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School on 26 September 2018, following its previous judgment of good in December 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain its good status. The leadership team has effectively upheld the quality of education, fostering an environment where every pupil is valued. The headteacher, supported by assistant headteachers and a dedicated leadership team, demonstrates a clear commitment to enhancing pupil engagement and progress. The school community is characterized by a strong sense of teamwork, high staff morale, and overwhelmingly positive feedback from parents and carers.
Governors play a crucial role in supporting the school, acting as effective critical friends. They possess a diverse range of skills and experiences that they leverage to assist school leaders in driving improvements. The leadership team has successfully improved the quality of teaching, resulting in positive outcomes for pupils. Notably, reading standards, particularly in key stage two, have seen significant improvement due to concerted efforts by leaders and staff. Evidence from pupils' work and assessment data indicates that writing and mathematics standards are also on the rise.
Since the last inspection, the school has adopted a more outward-looking approach, joining an alliance of schools that share a commitment to enhancing learning experiences. This collaboration allows for the sharing of best practices and the improvement of teaching methods. Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning, with high attendance rates consistently above the national average. They engage well with one another, and relationships between pupils and staff are constructive.
The previous inspection highlighted the need to ensure that boys make similar progress to girls in writing. While girls continue to outperform boys, the gap is narrowing, and evidence suggests that writing standards are improving for all pupils. Additionally, the school has made strides in enhancing pupils' understanding of cultural diversity through various curricular activities, school visits, and special events. Pupils in key stages one and two learn Spanish, further broadening their cultural awareness.
The inspection also noted the need to increase the challenge for the most able pupils. Leaders have made significant progress in reading, with a higher proportion of pupils achieving advanced standards. However, there remains a need for improvement in mathematics, where too few pupils, including the most able, are reaching the high standards expected. The school has implemented detailed plans to address this issue, and evidence from current pupils' work indicates that standards in mathematics are improving.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with leaders ensuring that all arrangements are appropriate. The designated safeguarding leader ensures that staff are well-informed about their responsibilities and that concerns are addressed promptly. Parents express confidence in the school's ability to keep their children safe, and pupils receive education on personal safety, including internet safety.
The leadership of the school is recognized as a strength, with a team that is determined to enhance pupils' learning experiences. The subject leader for English has revitalized the reading curriculum, leading to significant improvements in reading outcomes. While writing and mathematics standards are improving, the school acknowledges the need for continued focus on raising the proportion of pupils achieving higher standards in mathematics.
In summary, Barwick-in-Elmet Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with effective leadership, strong community support, and a commitment to improvement. The school is well-positioned to build on its successes and address the areas identified for further development, particularly in mathematics, to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential.