St Edward’s Catholic Primary School in Boston Spa was inspected on December 6 and 7, 2022, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has a strong Catholic ethos that is central to its operations, fostering respect among pupils and staff. Leaders and governors maintain high expectations for both learning and behavior, which is recognized by parents. This supportive environment contributes to pupils achieving well and developing confidence throughout their time at the school. Pupils enjoy attending school and engage actively with the curriculum, benefiting from a personal development program that prepares them effectively for future challenges. They demonstrate a strong sense of equality and an appreciation for diversity, developing a mature understanding of citizenship.
Pupils exhibit excellent attendance and are well-mannered, eager to meet expectations and adhere to school rules. Older students play a significant role in mentoring younger peers, promoting a sense of community and safety within the school. Incidents of bullying are rare, and pupils feel confident that any concerns will be addressed promptly by staff.
The curriculum is well-planned to meet national standards, with a clear sequence of learning objectives. However, there are instances where lesson activities do not align with the planned curriculum, and some subject leaders require further training to support staff effectively. Teachers occasionally struggle to adapt lessons to build on prior knowledge, which can hinder the learning process.
In the early years, children benefit from a broad and ambitious curriculum, with established routines that facilitate learning. Phonics instruction is consistent and effective, enabling pupils to become confident readers. Those needing additional support, including those with special educational needs, receive appropriate assistance.
Attendance rates are high, and leaders respond swiftly to any issues that arise. The school environment is calm and orderly, with pupils demonstrating positive attitudes towards their learning. They work independently and are motivated to succeed, with few instances of poor behavior reported. Rewards for good behavior, such as team points and the headteacher’s award, further encourage positive conduct.
The Catholic ethos is evident in all aspects of school life, particularly in the commitment to personal development. The school promotes physical and mental well-being through various initiatives, including themed weeks focused on positive psychology. Pupils gain a solid understanding of British values and engage in community activities, such as supporting local charities.
Governors are dedicated to the school and actively inquire about safeguarding and pupil well-being. However, their understanding of the curriculum needs improvement to hold leaders accountable effectively. Some subject leaders lack the expertise necessary to ensure the curriculum is implemented successfully, impacting their ability to support teachers.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with well-trained staff who know how to report concerns. Leaders maintain comprehensive records of staff suitability checks and prioritize teaching pupils about safety, particularly online safety.
To improve, governors should enhance their understanding of the curriculum to provide better oversight of educational quality. Subject leaders and teachers require additional support and development to deliver the curriculum confidently and effectively. Overall, St Edward’s Catholic Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.