Wakefield St Marys CE (VA) Primary School has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on 21 and 22 March 2023. The school provides a nurturing and harmonious environment where pupils thrive. Students express their enjoyment of the school, highlighting the opportunity to express themselves and the unique atmosphere fostered by the diverse community. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with enthusiastic engagement in lessons and positive interactions during social times. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils feel confident that staff will address any issues promptly. The school has implemented a mental health ambassador program, empowering older students to support their peers, which contributes to the overall positive atmosphere.
Parents express high levels of satisfaction with the education their children receive, with many recommending the school. Feedback from parents reflects a strong belief in the school's commitment to treating each child as an individual. The leadership team is ambitious for all pupils and has developed a comprehensive curriculum that reflects the community's diversity. However, there is recognition that further work is needed in certain subjects to clarify expectations for pupil knowledge and understanding. Leaders aim to enhance how teachers assess pupil retention of knowledge.
Reading is prioritized at the school, with a new phonics teaching scheme introduced. Staff have received positive training, and the phonics program is carefully sequenced, beginning in early years. The school library has been enhanced to support classroom reading materials, and there is a strong emphasis on developing verbal communication skills, particularly for pupils from homes where English is not the primary language. Special educational needs and disabilities are well catered for, with most pupils able to access the same curriculum as their peers, supported by tailored programs when necessary.
Mathematics is a favorite subject among pupils, who enjoy the lessons and demonstrate good knowledge of multiplication tables. However, opportunities for applying mathematical knowledge in problem-solving and reasoning activities are somewhat limited. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, with art lessons showcasing pupils' creativity and appreciation for various techniques and artists. Despite this, pupils sometimes struggle to recall key knowledge from these lessons.
Personal development is a key focus, with a robust personal, social, and health education curriculum that pupils find engaging. Enrichment through trips enhances the curriculum, with positive feedback from pupils about their experiences. The strong relationships between staff and pupils contribute to excellent behavior, with clear routines established throughout the school.
Staff members take pride in their work and feel part of a cohesive team, supporting the vision of senior leaders. The governing body is actively involved, providing both support and challenge to the leadership team. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a strong culture of safety and pastoral care rooted in the school's Christian ethos. Staff are well-trained and understand their responsibilities in keeping pupils safe, ensuring that pupils are aware of how to protect themselves both online and offline.
To improve, the school needs to provide more opportunities for pupils to deepen their mathematical understanding through reasoning and problem-solving. Additionally, clarity in the curriculum for some foundation subjects is necessary to ensure that teachers know what pupils are expected to learn and remember. Overall, Wakefield St Marys CE (VA) Primary School continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing a high-quality education in a supportive environment.