Wardley Primary School, located in Gateshead, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on February 1 and 2, 2022. The school is characterized by its inclusive, caring, and supportive environment, which enables pupils to receive the necessary assistance to achieve their academic goals. The leadership team has established a safe and welcoming atmosphere for learning, and students express appreciation for the guidance and support provided by their teachers. Parents echo this sentiment, highlighting the helpfulness and encouragement of the staff.
The school demonstrates ambition for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND benefit from targeted support both in the classroom and through small group interventions, allowing them to learn effectively. The curriculum is designed to foster personal development alongside academic knowledge, ensuring a well-rounded education.
Pupil behavior is commendable, with students being polite and well-mannered. They report that bullying is rare and feel confident that adults will address any issues that arise. The school emphasizes the importance of listening to students and teaching them how to handle bullying through personal, social, health, and economic education. Pupils feel safe and valued within the school community.
Students take pride in their responsibilities, participating in democratically elected roles such as school councillors, which allows them to contribute meaningfully to school life and the local community. They express a strong desire to excel and be the best they can be.
The school excels in providing a broad and ambitious curriculum, with clear expectations for what pupils should learn and when. In the early years, staff effectively teach children how to read, using familiar rhymes and songs to engage them. Daily phonics lessons in key stage one ensure that pupils develop strong reading skills, with additional support provided to those at risk of falling behind.
While the mathematics curriculum is ambitious, its implementation lacks consistency across classrooms, leading to some pupils receiving work that may not be sufficiently challenging. Nevertheless, students enjoy mathematics and are confident in applying their previous knowledge to new topics. The school places a strong emphasis on developing mathematical vocabulary from an early age.
In subjects like geography, teachers break down learning into manageable steps, aiding retention of important information. The support provided for pupils with SEND is a notable strength, with knowledgeable staff ensuring that these students receive the necessary assistance to succeed. The establishment of the 'Star Suite' offers targeted support for a small group of pupils with SEND, providing a curriculum that mirrors that of their peers.
Leaders prioritize personal development, offering emotional support through counseling and yoga sessions. A variety of after-school clubs, including Brazilian football and Lego club, enrich the students' experiences. The PSHE curriculum fosters a strong understanding of community contribution, exemplified by pupils' donations to a local food bank.
Staff feel valued and supported by the leadership team, which contributes to a positive working environment. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a culture of care permeating the school. Staff are well-trained to identify and support pupils at risk, ensuring that every child's safety and well-being are prioritized.
To improve, the school must ensure that the ambitious curriculum is consistently implemented across all subjects, particularly in mathematics, to provide all pupils with the appropriate level of challenge. Overall, Wardley Primary School continues to provide a high-quality education, fostering a supportive and enriching environment for all its pupils.