Westerhope Primary School, located in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, underwent an inspection in January 2019, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The headteacher, supported by senior leaders and the governing body, has effectively driven this progress, leading to better outcomes for pupils across all key stages. The standards of attainment have risen and are now above average, with pupils making good progress, particularly in reading and mathematics. This includes students with special educational needs and disabilities, although there is recognition that the most able pupils sometimes do not face sufficient challenges to reach their highest potential.
The quality of teaching is good, with teachers utilizing a variety of assessment information to tailor learning activities to meet pupils' needs. They monitor understanding closely and address misconceptions promptly, which contributes to the good progress made by students. The implementation of the new school policy for teaching has been effective. Pupils exhibit good behavior in classrooms and during outdoor activities, showing enthusiasm for learning and a steady improvement in attendance.
Leadership and management are strong, with effective monitoring of pupils' outcomes in English and mathematics ensuring that those who fall behind receive timely support. However, monitoring in other subjects is less rigorous. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development through a diverse curriculum, fostering a positive and safe environment where pupils feel secure and valued. The nurturing approach taken by staff contributes to a harmonious atmosphere, and pupils demonstrate politeness and consideration for others.
The early years provision is also rated as good, with children developing a love for learning and being well-prepared for Year 1. The governing body has a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development, holding leaders accountable and maintaining high expectations for all staff.
To further improve, the school aims to enhance the quality of teaching to ensure that all pupils, especially the most able, are consistently challenged. Additionally, there is a need to develop monitoring processes for subjects beyond English and mathematics to ensure all areas of the curriculum are equally scrutinized.
Overall, the school has made commendable strides in improving educational outcomes and fostering a positive learning environment. The commitment of the leadership team, the quality of teaching, and the supportive atmosphere contribute to the good progress and well-being of pupils. The school is well-positioned to continue its trajectory of improvement, with clear strategies in place to address identified areas for further development. The positive feedback from parents indicates a strong community connection and satisfaction with the school's efforts to provide a high-quality education for all students.