Preston Grange Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a warm and welcoming environment where every pupil is valued. The school emphasizes high standards of behavior, which pupils understand and adhere to, resulting in a positive atmosphere both in lessons and throughout the school. Instances of poor behavior are rare and addressed swiftly and effectively. The school’s values are well-known among pupils, who are celebrated in assemblies for demonstrating these values, fostering a sense of pride and community. The school song is sung with enthusiasm, further enhancing the sense of belonging.
Staff members have a deep understanding of their pupils, contributing to a safe and happy learning environment. The school sets high expectations for academic achievement, and many pupils perform well by the end of Year 6. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive the necessary support to access the curriculum and participate fully in school life.
Pupils are actively engaged in their school community and enjoy opportunities to connect with the local area. A notable example is their participation in singing to residents of a local care home, which highlights their commitment to community involvement. The school values pupil feedback, implementing suggestions for after-school clubs, and encourages leadership roles such as school council members and sports leaders, which help develop responsibility and support among peers.
The curriculum is coherently sequenced, ensuring that pupils know what they will learn and when. Recent developments in subject curriculums have made them suitably ambitious. For instance, in history, pupils explore various time periods and concepts like monarchy and empire, benefiting from opportunities to revisit prior learning. However, the consistency of recall and retrieval strategies varies across subjects, with mathematics and English benefiting from regular tasks that reinforce previous learning, while foundation subjects may not have the same level of consistency.
Reading is a priority at Preston Grange, with a carefully sequenced curriculum that builds pupils' reading knowledge from the early years. Phonics instruction begins as soon as children start school, with books matched to the sounds they are learning. Staff assess pupils accurately, identifying gaps in their reading knowledge and tailoring phonics sessions accordingly. The school library and classroom libraries are well-utilized, providing a wide range of reading materials that pupils enjoy.
The school effectively identifies the specific learning needs of pupils with SEND, ensuring they learn alongside their peers with appropriate support. In the early years, children benefit from a stimulating environment with activities that promote formal learning, tailored to their interests. This approach helps children develop essential social skills and prepares them well for Year 1.
Attendance is a focus, with the school providing support to ensure regular attendance. Pupils conduct themselves well in class and during breaks, demonstrating politeness and good manners. The school promotes personal development through a variety of extracurricular activities, fostering inclusivity and fundamental British values. There is a strong emphasis on mental health and emotional well-being, with initiatives aimed at supporting pupils in managing their emotions.
Governors have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, providing both challenge and support to school leaders. Staff express pride in their work environment, and leaders are committed to reducing workload while supporting staff well-being. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.
To further improve, the school needs to enhance the consistent use of assessment strategies for recall and retrieval in the foundation curriculum, ensuring that all pupils retain knowledge effectively over time.