John Spence Community High School, located in North Shields, underwent an inspection on June 6 and 7, 2023, which resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The quality of education was also rated as Requires Improvement, while behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development, were rated as Good. Leadership and management were similarly assessed as Requires Improvement. This inspection marked a decline from the previous inspection in November 2017, where the school was rated as Good.
The inspection highlighted that while leaders have ambitious plans for a broad and inclusive curriculum, the actual experiences of pupils in the classroom do not always align with this vision. Leaders acknowledge the need for improvements in various subject areas and have implemented recent changes to the curriculum and support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. However, the effectiveness of these changes remains uncertain.
Pupils exhibit positive behaviour in classrooms, demonstrating good listening skills towards both staff and peers. The school promotes a strong sense of personal development, notably through the ‘GOALS’ programme, which enhances pupils' confidence and resilience. Efforts to improve behaviour and attendance have been successful, with reductions in removals from lessons, suspension rates, and persistent absence.
Relationships among pupils and staff are characterized by warmth and respect, with bullying being infrequent. Leaders actively monitor and address any incidents of unkind behaviour, fostering an environment of tolerance and respect for diversity. Pupils with special educational needs are included in various activities, including a dedicated club that promotes community engagement.
Despite the positive aspects, the school faces challenges in delivering a consistently high-quality education. Curriculum plans are in place, but some teachers do not maintain high expectations for all pupils, leading to inconsistent delivery of the curriculum. Leaders recognize the need for improvements in several subjects and have begun to take action, although some initiatives have had limited impact. Quality assurance processes are not as effective as they could be, hindering governance support and challenge.
Teachers often struggle to adapt learning to meet the diverse needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs. There are instances where effective questioning is lacking, resulting in pupils not fully grasping the material. Assessment practices are inconsistent, with teachers not always using assessment data effectively to inform future learning, leading to gaps in pupils' knowledge.
The school prioritizes literacy improvement, but the implementation of strategies is still in its early stages, affecting pupils' confidence and proficiency in reading and writing. The curriculum includes important topics related to health, citizenship, and British values, which pupils generally understand well.
The school provides a varied careers curriculum, including work experience and career fairs, and is beginning to integrate more subject-specific career information. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and report concerns, ensuring pupils are taught how to stay safe.
To improve, the school must address the inconsistencies in the quality of education, particularly in adapting learning for all pupils and enhancing assessment practices. Leaders should continue to identify areas for development among staff and provide targeted professional development. Additionally, the reading strategy needs to be consistently implemented to support all pupils effectively. The approach to quality assurance must be refined to ensure accurate identification of improvement areas, enabling better support from governors and fostering ongoing school improvement.