Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Blackhorse Primary School on 20 February 2018, following its previous judgment of good in January 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, including the headteacher, staff, and governors, share a clear vision focused on ensuring that every child reaches their full potential. They work collaboratively to drive improvements in teaching and curriculum, creating a positive and engaging learning environment. As a result, pupils are well-prepared for the next stage of their education, with achievement levels in reading, writing, and mathematics exceeding national figures.
The school offers a rich and rounded education, evident in the diverse range of enrichment activities and extracurricular clubs available to pupils. Parents express satisfaction with the variety of programs, which include activities like survival skills and mindfulness. Most pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, participate in at least one club, enhancing their experiences and skills. Pupils appreciate their teachers' enthusiasm, often highlighting it as a key aspect of their positive school experience.
The leadership team fosters a culture of continuous improvement, exemplified by a new approach to teaching reading skills aimed at helping more pupils achieve high standards by the end of key stage two. This initiative has shown positive results, with pupils making faster progress. The school is committed to improving the education of disadvantaged pupils, which is reflected in their accelerated progress this year. The leadership team has effectively addressed previous areas for improvement, particularly in writing, where significant progress has been made.
Safeguarding practices at the school are robust, with a strong culture established by the leadership and governors. They ensure that safeguarding arrangements are effective and that staff receive regular training on the latest requirements. Attendance rates are above national averages due to the school's proactive approach to promoting regular attendance and working with other agencies to support vulnerable pupils and their families.
During the inspection, the focus was on how reading skills are taught, the use of pupil premium funding, and the acceleration of progress in writing and mathematics. The school has taken effective steps to enhance reading comprehension, with a new approach that emphasizes the development of complex reading skills. The introduction of high-quality literature has encouraged pupils to read more widely and engage with challenging texts, leading to improved outcomes.
In mathematics, the school has implemented a new teaching approach to ensure that all pupils are suitably challenged. While progress has been average in recent years, there is a clear commitment to enhancing pupils' reasoning skills and ensuring that they can explain their methods effectively. The leadership acknowledges that further work is needed to secure this ability across all pupils.
Next steps for the school include continuing to develop pupils' comprehension skills in reading and enhancing their reasoning skills in mathematics. The leadership team is dedicated to ensuring that all pupils achieve the highest possible standards and that the school remains a supportive and effective learning environment. The inspection findings highlight the school's strengths and areas for further development, reinforcing its commitment to providing a high-quality education for all its pupils.