Holy Family Catholic Primary School, located in Patchway, Bristol, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on September 21 and 22, 2022. The school is deeply rooted in the values of the Catholic faith, with a mission statement that emphasizes striving for excellence in service to God, each other, and oneself. This ethos is reflected in the respectful and fair treatment among pupils and staff. The leadership team is dedicated to ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as those who speak English as an additional language, receive a high-quality education.
From the outset, children are taught the importance of good behavior, with adults modeling high expectations. The school maintains a positive learning environment where low-level disruption is not tolerated, and pupils are eager to learn and succeed. Instances of bullying are reported to be rare, and pupils feel safe, with parents echoing this sentiment. The school fosters a welcoming atmosphere for families from diverse backgrounds, celebrating the varied experiences and abilities of its pupils. Parents appreciate the support and commitment shown by school leaders.
The curriculum at Holy Family has been carefully reviewed and sequenced to ensure that pupils acquire the necessary knowledge to become successful learners. This structured approach allows pupils to build on their learning over time, as seen in subjects like history and science. Phonics instruction begins in Reception and is delivered effectively, with teachers promptly identifying and supporting pupils who struggle. This ensures that all pupils, including those learning English as an additional language, can keep pace with their peers. The school promotes a love for reading, with regular read-aloud sessions that enhance vocabulary and enjoyment.
While the mathematics curriculum is well-structured and supports pupils' learning, there are areas for improvement, particularly in the implementation of the reading curriculum in Key Stage 2. Leaders have recognized the need for more consistent adaptation of teaching based on assessment information to ensure that all pupils make steady progress in reading. The school provides effective support for pupils with special educational needs, with regular reviews of their progress and communication with parents.
The curriculum also aims to develop well-rounded individuals who understand the importance of equality and respect for others. Pupils are encouraged to take on responsibilities, such as organizing events and participating in the chaplaincy team, which fosters a sense of community and stewardship. Governors actively engage with the school’s vision and challenge leaders to maintain high standards. Most pupils attend school regularly, and efforts are made to improve attendance where necessary.
Safeguarding is a priority at Holy Family, with effective arrangements in place to ensure the safety of all pupils. Staff receive regular training, enabling them to identify and report concerns promptly. The school collaborates with external agencies to maintain a safe environment and provides pupils with essential information on staying safe, including online safety and healthy lifestyles.
In summary, Holy Family Catholic Primary School continues to provide a good education, characterized by a strong sense of community, effective teaching practices, and a commitment to the well-being and development of all pupils. The school is well-positioned to address areas for improvement, particularly in the consistency of reading instruction in Key Stage 2, ensuring that all pupils can achieve their full potential.