Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Downside Primary School on 9 January 2019, with the findings indicating that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education since its last inspection in May 2015. The leadership team, under Miss Karen Hooker, has effectively provided clear guidance and support to both staff and pupils, fostering an environment where the school’s successes are acknowledged while focusing on areas for further improvement. The school benefits from its large size, allowing access to specialist teachers and a variety of support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The commitment to ensuring that no pupil feels overlooked is evident, as staff demonstrate a strong understanding of and care for their students.
Pupil behavior is commendable, with students displaying excellent attitudes towards learning. They are friendly, welcoming, and take pride in their school, celebrating its diversity and understanding different backgrounds and cultures. Feedback from pupils highlights a culture of respect and inclusivity. Staff members express pride in working at the school, and while parent feedback through the Ofsted online questionnaire was limited, the school’s own annual survey indicates high levels of satisfaction among parents.
The leadership team accurately assesses the school’s effectiveness, identifying appropriate priorities for improvement. Key stage two attainment in reading, writing, and mathematics has shown improvement over the past three years, now exceeding national averages. Progress in mathematics has been consistently strong, while writing has also improved significantly. Although reading progress has been less consistent, there was notable improvement in 2018. The quality of handwriting, previously identified as an area for development, has also seen significant enhancement.
Governors play an active role in supporting and holding the school accountable, demonstrating a clear understanding of the school’s needs and contributing to its development through regular meetings and visits. Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff well-trained to identify and address any concerns regarding pupil safety. Pupils feel safe at school and report that any instances of bullying are dealt with promptly.
The inspection explored several areas, including the effectiveness of reading instruction, the quality of teaching for the most able pupils, and attendance monitoring. Leaders have recognized the need to enhance reading progress and have implemented additional training and resources for teachers. While progress in reading has improved, some pupils still require extra support to fully grasp certain question types. Efforts to improve teaching quality for the most able pupils are ongoing, with mixed results. Teachers are encouraged to tailor activities to match pupils’ prior knowledge, particularly in mathematics, where strong subject knowledge is evident.
Attendance monitoring is rigorous, with leaders working closely with families to address issues. Recent initiatives have led to a reduction in absence rates, aligning with national averages, although challenges remain for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs. The school is committed to maintaining these improvements over time.
In summary, Downside Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with effective leadership, strong pupil behavior, and a commitment to inclusivity and safety. Ongoing efforts to enhance reading progress, teaching quality for the most able pupils, and attendance will further support the school’s development.