Following the short inspection of Someries Junior School on 26 February 2019, it has been confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the quality of education since the last inspection in April 2015. The headteacher and staff have created a positive and effective learning environment, promptly identifying areas for improvement upon the headteacher's arrival. The leadership team utilizes a variety of evidence to evaluate the school's performance and collaborates with external advisers and local school leaders to maintain an accurate understanding of the school's strengths.
Communication with the neighboring infant school has been beneficial, enhancing the leadership team's capacity to implement and sustain priorities. As a result, pupils exhibit excellent behavior and are making sustained progress in their learning. They are encouraged to strive to be the best versions of themselves, supported by staff in achieving their goals. The leadership and governors have addressed previous areas for improvement, with teachers effectively using questioning to challenge pupils' thinking and facilitate progress. All groups of pupils are now making similar progress, and visual representations in mathematics support learning.
Pupils demonstrate good behavior both in lessons and during play, responding quickly to consistent adult instructions. The need for fixed-period exclusions has significantly decreased, and attendance is now in line with national averages, with improvements noted among disadvantaged pupils. Safeguarding measures are effective, creating a secure environment where pupils feel safe and well cared for. Support for families is provided through a family support worker and learning mentor, who are trusted by both parents and pupils.
The inspection focused on how effectively leaders enable middle-attaining pupils to progress in reading, writing, and mathematics. The school improvement plan prioritizes this group, and staff are receiving guidance to enhance teaching consistency. Progress in reading has been a concern, but the curriculum now includes regular reading skills instruction, leading to improved outcomes. Most pupils are making sufficient progress in writing and mathematics, although leaders need to develop a more effective reporting system to communicate progress to governors and parents.
Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs are making adequate progress, particularly where teaching is strong. The school has initiated a pupil premium review to identify further improvements needed for these groups. The curriculum is broad and rich, with ongoing development to ensure skills progression across subjects. While creative subjects are taught effectively, some teachers need to adhere more closely to the outlined skills progression.
In summary, the school is performing well, with strong leadership and effective teaching practices. However, there are areas for further development, particularly in reporting progress and ensuring consistent implementation of curriculum plans. The school is committed to addressing these areas to enhance the educational experience for all pupils.