Wigmore Primary School in Luton, Bedfordshire, has been inspected and continues to be recognized as a good school. The inspection took place on 28 and 29 February 2024. Pupils at Wigmore Primary are enthusiastic learners who enjoy their time at school and strive to embody the school’s values. They demonstrate respect and good manners towards both staff and peers, and new students quickly integrate into the school community. The behavior of pupils is commendable, both in lessons and throughout the school environment. They exhibit confidence and are encouraged to voice their opinions, contributing positively to the school community.
The curriculum at Wigmore Primary is broad and balanced, offering a variety of engaging learning activities that cater to the diverse needs and interests of the pupils. The school places a strong emphasis on physical education, with pupils actively participating in various sports and understanding the importance of exercise for a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, the school promotes mental health through activities that help pupils understand their feelings, fostering a positive self-image. Pupils learn to appreciate diversity and show kindness and compassion towards one another, preparing them well for their future.
The school has developed a well-structured curriculum that begins in the Reception year and progresses through to Year 6. Teachers are well-informed about what to teach and how to teach it effectively, ensuring that pupils acquire the intended subject knowledge. The school has made thoughtful decisions regarding the vocabulary that pupils need to learn, which benefits all students, including those for whom English is not the first language. However, some subjects require further development to ensure that connections between key knowledge are clearer, as some older pupils have not fully acquired the necessary prior knowledge.
Reading is prioritized at Wigmore Primary, with pupils being rewarded for their reading efforts, which encourages them to read more. The school provides a diverse selection of books to support this initiative. In the early years, children engage with exciting books that enhance their language skills and understanding of the world. Younger pupils benefit from an effective phonics program, with regular checks and targeted support for those who need it. However, a few older pupils have gaps in their phonics knowledge, and the support they receive is not as focused or monitored as that provided to younger pupils, hindering their progress.
The school effectively meets the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), collaborating with parents and external agencies to create tailored support plans. These plans include specific targets and strategies that staff implement well, resulting in effective support for all pupils. Despite the quality of education provided, the published results for national tests do not fully reflect the school’s performance, as many pupils join mid-year and may not have sufficient time to reach expected standards by Year 6.
The school fosters a culture of high expectations for behavior, and staff provide individualized support when needed. Pupils are encouraged to showcase their talents, with opportunities to share their interests, such as becoming library assistants. The governing body has a solid understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, working collaboratively with school leaders to enhance pupil achievement.
The safeguarding arrangements at Wigmore Primary are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The school is committed to continuous improvement, with clear plans in place to address identified gaps in knowledge and support for reading. Overall, Wigmore Primary School is a nurturing and effective educational institution that prioritizes the well-being and development of its pupils.