Caversham Primary School, located in Reading, Berkshire, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from an inadequate rating to an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection conducted on June 21 and 22, 2023, highlighted the school’s commitment to fostering a positive and supportive environment for its pupils. Students express pride in being part of the Caversham community, demonstrating resilience and a strong desire to excel. The school’s values are evident in the respectful interactions among pupils and staff, contributing to a culture of safety and happiness.
Younger children quickly adapt to the school environment, forming strong bonds with older students who serve as mentors. The school promotes a friendly and purposeful atmosphere where pupils are well-behaved and polite. Teachers set high expectations, guiding students to make positive choices and learn from their mistakes. The dedication of the staff inspires pupils to aim high, ensuring they are well-prepared for future educational challenges. The curriculum encourages a love for reading, with pupils engaging with a diverse range of topics and genres, which helps them understand complex social issues.
The school has effectively addressed previous weaknesses, particularly in safeguarding. Following the last inspection, leaders sought external advice to understand and rectify the shortcomings in safeguarding arrangements. This proactive approach has led to significant improvements, including enhanced training for staff to identify and report concerns regarding pupil safety. The school has also improved breaktime supervision and attendance monitoring, creating a safer environment for pupils. The introduction of new playground zones has been positively received, making it easier for pupils to find adults during breaks.
Staff members are committed to the continuous improvement of their practice, benefiting from planned training and constructive feedback from leaders. The governing body has also shown growth in its understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, particularly in safeguarding. However, there remains a need for governors to broaden their oversight to encompass all aspects of the school’s operations.
The early years provision lays a solid foundation for children, promoting cooperation, independence, and essential skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. The curriculum is well-structured, enabling pupils to develop a broad knowledge base that prepares them for secondary education. Reading instruction is consistently effective, with staff trained to support pupils at risk of falling behind. The school ensures that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, have access to the same learning opportunities.
The personal development program fosters an ethos of acceptance and inclusion, helping pupils become respectful and thoughtful individuals. The curriculum includes opportunities for pupils to learn about diverse cultures and religions, enhancing their understanding of the world around them. Leaders are enthusiastic about their responsibilities and are focused on identifying precise priorities for improvement.
While the school has made commendable progress, there are areas that require further attention. The governing body needs to enhance its oversight of the school’s broader operations, ensuring comprehensive accountability. Additionally, leaders should refine their monitoring of the wider curriculum to maintain high-quality learning across all subjects. Overall, Caversham Primary School has made significant strides in improving its educational offerings and safeguarding practices, creating a positive environment for its pupils to thrive.