Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Oxford Road Community School on 11 December 2018, following its previous judgment of good in October 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, along with governors, has established a shared vision focused on the welfare of pupils, demonstrating a commitment to improvement and high standards. Senior leaders possess an accurate understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development, effectively prioritizing actions and providing constructive feedback to staff, which has positively impacted pupil outcomes.
Pupils express positive sentiments about their school experience, highlighting the kindness of staff and their enjoyment of learning. Parents are supportive and appreciate the communication from the school, feeling confident that their children are safe and well cared for. The safeguarding measures in place are effective, with detailed records and prompt referrals to external agencies when necessary. The governing body ensures rigorous recruitment checks and regular training for staff, which contributes to a safe environment for pupils.
The inspection focused on several key areas, including the effectiveness of leaders in ensuring that more pupils achieve higher standards in writing. While progress in writing has improved, it remains an area for development compared to reading and mathematics. The school has appointed a knowledgeable leader to enhance teaching and learning in writing, and effective tracking systems are in place to inform teachers about pupils’ understanding. The phonics program is successful, enabling young pupils to develop essential reading skills.
The inspection also examined the school’s efforts to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. Although this group has made good progress, their attainment still lags behind that of their peers nationally. Leaders actively engage parents to support their children’s learning, fostering strong relationships built on transparency and trust. The school promotes a culture that removes barriers to learning, ensuring that pupils’ social, emotional, and academic needs are addressed holistically.
Additionally, the inspection evaluated the support provided to pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. A proactive leader has made significant improvements in this area, ensuring that pupils’ learning needs are met effectively. Strong transitions into early years and secondary school are in place, and the school collaborates with external agencies to support pupils with complex needs. The focus on inclusion fosters strong social relationships and a sense of belonging among all learners.
The report highlights the need for more opportunities for pupils to make independent choices in their writing, particularly for the most able, to challenge their skills across the curriculum. It also emphasizes the importance of consistency in teachers’ modeling and questioning techniques to deepen pupils’ thinking and provide appropriate challenges. Overall, the inspection findings reflect a school that is committed to maintaining high standards and ensuring the well-being and academic success of its pupils. The leadership team is encouraged to continue its efforts in these areas to further enhance the quality of education provided.