The Ilsleys Primary School, located in Newbury, Berkshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on July 19, 2022. The school fosters a strong sense of community, with staff and pupils expressing a commitment to caring for one another. Families are seen gathering in the playground each morning, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Pupils take pride in their roles, particularly the Year 6 anti-bullying ambassadors, who are well-trained to handle bullying incidents and support younger students in feeling safe. The school has established a culture where bullying is rare, and any incidents that do occur are addressed promptly.
Leadership at the school is characterized by high expectations for all students. Staff are dedicated to challenging pupils to achieve their best in lessons, and there is a clear focus on ensuring that every child reaches their full potential. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with a positive attitude towards learning and a supportive environment during playtimes. The school has implemented a broad and ambitious curriculum that is well-structured, allowing for effective lesson planning and teaching. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in the wider curriculum, where the same level of detailed planning seen in core subjects like reading and mathematics is not yet fully realized.
Reading is prioritized at The Ilsleys Primary School, with staff trained to teach phonics systematically. Children in the early years engage enthusiastically in activities that enhance their reading comprehension. Older pupils demonstrate confidence in their reading abilities and enjoy exploring a variety of genres. The school provides a rich learning environment, particularly in the Reception class, where outdoor spaces are designed to support learning and engagement in deep thinking.
The school adopts a therapeutic approach to behavior management, resulting in minimal disruption during lessons. Pupils are encouraged to be kind and supportive of one another, fostering a collaborative learning environment. The curriculum is enriched with a variety of activities that promote the wider development of pupils, including memorable trips and a comprehensive personal, social, and health education program. The school community comes together for events such as sports clubs and school productions, enhancing the sense of belonging.
Governance at the school is strong, with governors providing excellent support to leaders and holding them accountable for continuous improvement. Staff express high levels of job satisfaction and pride in their work, feeling supported in their roles. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with leaders ensuring that all staff are trained to identify and respond to concerns. Pupils feel safe and know whom to approach if they have any issues.
While the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for growth, particularly in the assessment practices within foundation subjects. Leaders are encouraged to extend the successful strategies used in core subjects to ensure that all pupils can develop their talents and strengths effectively. Overall, The Ilsleys Primary School continues to provide a nurturing and high-quality educational experience for its pupils, with a commitment to ongoing improvement and excellence in education.