Mortimer St Mary's C.E. Junior School is recognized as a good school, providing a friendly and nurturing environment for its pupils. The school fosters a calm atmosphere where students enjoy attending and feel supported by staff who are dedicated to their well-being and academic success. The school’s Christian values of service, hope, and courage are evident in the collaborative efforts of staff, governors, and pupils. Students exhibit good behavior, actively listen to one another, and express pride in their school, describing it as fantastic, fun, and friendly.
The morale among staff is high, and there is a strong sense of teamwork throughout the school. A diverse range of activities is offered, with pupils enthusiastically participating in trips to local churches, the Houses of Parliament, and a Roman museum they created. Parents and carers express positive sentiments about the school, highlighting the staff's passion and genuine care for the pupils.
Leaders at Mortimer St Mary's are ambitious for all students and have carefully reviewed the curriculum to ensure it engages pupils' curiosity and interest. Subject leaders have identified the essential knowledge and skills that students need to acquire. Teachers are attentive to ensuring that pupils understand what they are learning and why, although this consistency is still developing across all subjects. Leaders are focused on enhancing the curriculum to an exceptional level, identifying key points for pupils to master by the end of the year and finding effective ways to help them retain their learning.
Reading is prioritized within the curriculum, and staff training has proven effective. Pupils express a love for reading and regularly engage with adults in reading activities. Teachers monitor pupils' progress closely, providing additional support for those who struggle with reading. Mathematics lessons are also well-received, with pupils enjoying collaborative practical tasks and investigations. They demonstrate eagerness to challenge themselves and articulate their problem-solving processes.
Students with special educational needs and disabilities are identified early and receive the necessary support to thrive alongside their peers. The school’s educational offerings extend beyond the curriculum, with pupils visiting various locations to enhance their learning experiences. They also participate in sports and take on leadership roles within the school community, contributing positively to their environment.
The leadership team, including the new executive headteacher, works effectively with governors to maintain a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. Staff feedback indicates that the school is well-led and managed, with leaders considering their well-being and workload.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with a strong emphasis on pupil safety. Staff are well-trained and aware of their responsibilities regarding safeguarding. Pupils feel safe and are educated on how to maintain their safety, including online safety. The school collaborates with external agencies to support vulnerable pupils and their families, enhancing overall well-being.
To further improve, the school aims to ensure that the curriculum is consistently implemented across all subjects and that pupils are supported in retaining their learning. The school has undergone leadership changes since the last inspection, and this inspection marks the first routine evaluation since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The inspector engaged with various stakeholders, including school leaders and representatives from the local governing body, to assess the school's performance comprehensively. Overall, Mortimer St Mary's C.E. Junior School continues to provide a supportive and effective educational environment for its pupils.