Holy Trinity CofE Primary School in Sunningdale has been recognized as a good school following its recent inspection. The school fosters a nurturing environment where pupils feel proud to be part of the community. The ethos of the school encourages students to embody the vision of doing good and being happy. Relationships between staff and pupils are characterized by support and trust, ensuring that students feel comfortable seeking help with any concerns. Lunchtime and breaktime activities are inclusive, with pupils always finding someone to play with, reflecting the school's commitment to kindness and community.
Pupils respond positively to the high expectations set by staff, demonstrating hard work and achieving commendable results. They exhibit friendliness, respect, and confidence, actively engaging in various opportunities such as volunteering at local allotments and care homes. The school encourages pupils to contribute to their community, including collecting donations for food banks and participating in local events like the Ascot Bake-off and Windsor Flower Show. The diverse range of clubs available promotes creativity and confidence, with activities such as fencing, cookery, martial arts, and gardening. Pupils also take on various roles and responsibilities, including house captains and digital leaders, which further enhances their leadership skills.
The school excels in promoting a culture of reading, with pupils showing enthusiasm for literature. Access to a wide variety of books in classrooms and the library fosters a love for reading, and staff ensure that younger pupils are supported in developing their reading skills from the outset. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, clearly outlining essential knowledge and vocabulary for each subject. However, there are instances where staff subject knowledge is not consistently strong, particularly in phonics, which can lead to gaps in pupils' understanding and impact their overall outcomes.
Classrooms at Holy Trinity are calm and orderly, providing an environment conducive to learning. Staff effectively identify the additional needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that all students can access the same curriculum. The school is committed to removing barriers to learning, allowing all pupils to thrive. Attendance rates are high, supported by robust systems that involve collaboration with families to ensure regular attendance.
Pupils' personal development is well supported, with an emphasis on the importance of exercise and safety. They learn to recognize the significance of reporting any concerning interactions, such as unsolicited messages from strangers. The school actively promotes respect for diversity, teaching pupils to appreciate differences and treat everyone equally. Governors play a vital role in the school's success, providing effective challenge and support while considering staff well-being and work-life balance.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Moving forward, the school should focus on enhancing staff subject knowledge, particularly in early reading, to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential. This commitment to continuous improvement will help maintain the school's good standing and support the ongoing development of its pupils. Overall, Holy Trinity CofE Primary School continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its students.