St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School, located in Milton Keynes, has been recognized for its outstanding performance during the inspection conducted on 15-16 October 2013. The school has shown remarkable progress since its previous inspection, where it was rated as good. The current inspection highlights the school’s overall effectiveness as outstanding, with pupils achieving high standards by the end of Year 6. The school caters to a diverse student body, with a significant number of pupils coming from various cultural backgrounds.
The achievement of pupils is outstanding, with many entering the Early Years Foundation Stage with skills below the expected level for their age. However, they make good progress and enter Year 1 with skills closer to the expected standards. The phonics screening check results in Year 1 indicate that a high percentage of pupils achieve well above the national average. By the end of Year 2, pupils reach standards above expectations, and by Year 6, all groups of pupils demonstrate outstanding progress, with many achieving well above national standards. The school’s tracking data suggests that this trend of achievement is set to continue, with more pupils likely to reach the highest levels.
The quality of teaching is also outstanding, characterized by consistently high standards across all classes. Teachers utilize their excellent knowledge of pupils’ prior learning to plan effectively for all ability groups. Engaging topics and creative learning experiences motivate pupils to participate actively in their education. For instance, a Year 6 writing lesson involved a dramatic scenario that sparked pupils' enthusiasm for writing. The learning environment is exceptionally well utilized, allowing pupils to maximize their progress.
Pupils’ behavior and safety are outstanding, contributing positively to their learning and the overall success of the school. The school fosters a calm and purposeful atmosphere where both staff and pupils exhibit a passion for learning. Pupils express pride in their school and demonstrate respect towards each other and all members of the school community. They feel safe and are knowledgeable about how to stay safe, both in school and in the wider community.
Leadership and management at the school are outstanding, with the headteacher’s vision and commitment to achieving the best for every pupil being shared by staff and governors. This collective ambition has led to continuous improvement in pupil achievement. The governing body is well-informed and actively involved in school life, providing both support and challenge to school leaders.
The school’s curriculum is rich and relevant, incorporating exciting experiences and visits that enhance learning across all subjects. The school has received numerous awards for its excellence, including the International Schools Award. To further improve, the school aims to extend its newly developed marking policy across all subject areas, ensuring that all pupils receive consistent feedback on their work.
Overall, St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School exemplifies excellence in education, providing a nurturing environment where pupils thrive academically and socially. The school’s commitment to high standards and continuous improvement ensures that it remains a place where pupils are well-prepared for their future educational journeys.