Meldreth Primary School underwent a short inspection on 4 June 2019, following its previous judgment of good in September 2010. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, led by Mrs. Sasha Howard, demonstrates passion and determination, supported by effective leaders at all levels, including governors. Staff members express pride in their roles, feeling respected and motivated by the leadership. Parental feedback is overwhelmingly positive, with many parents appreciating the care and support their children receive, particularly those who have recently joined the school.
Pupils at Meldreth Primary School exhibit polite and courteous behavior, showing enthusiasm for learning and maintaining excellent conduct in lessons. They take pride in their work and can articulate their learning effectively. The governing body actively holds the leadership accountable for educational quality, regularly attending training to stay informed and monitoring pupil attendance and the use of additional funding, such as the pupil premium, which supports disadvantaged pupils in making good progress.
Since the last inspection, pupil outcomes have improved, with the proportion of children achieving a good level of development being broadly average. Key stage 1 phonics screening results are also average, while key stage 1 pupils are increasingly meeting or exceeding expected standards in reading, writing, and mathematics. Key stage 2 pupils achieve above-average attainment in these subjects, with particularly strong progress in mathematics. The leadership has identified areas for improvement, particularly in reading and writing at key stage 2, and is implementing effective strategies to enhance pupil achievement.
Safeguarding measures at the school are robust, with a strong culture established to protect pupils from harm. Staff training is up to date, and procedures for recording child protection information are effective. The single central record meets all requirements, and governors ensure that vetting and recruitment checks are thorough. Pupils feel safe and report that bullying is rare, with staff responding promptly to any concerns. Peer mediators and play leaders contribute to a supportive environment, helping to resolve conflicts and promote positive interactions among students.
The inspection focused on several key areas, including writing and mathematics outcomes for key stage 1 pupils and progress in reading and writing at key stage 2. The leadership team has taken decisive action to address weak teaching, providing appropriate training for teachers and effective support for pupils needing extra help. The school has restructured its phonics teaching to enhance proficiency and has emphasized vocabulary development to improve writing quality. Teachers maintain high expectations, encouraging pupils to use varied and adventurous language in their writing.
The school effectively utilizes pupil premium funding to address the specific needs of disadvantaged pupils, providing targeted interventions and support. Attendance strategies are in place to improve overall attendance and reduce persistent absence, with a high profile given to attendance within the school community. The school provides distance learning options for pupils who travel with their families, resulting in improved attendance for these students.
In conclusion, the leadership and governance at Meldreth Primary School are committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that pupils make good progress in their learning. The school is well-regarded by parents and the community, with a strong focus on safeguarding and pupil well-being. The next steps involve building on effective strategies to enhance progress in reading and writing, ensuring that all pupils achieve their full potential.