Swavesey Primary School, located in Cambridge, has been rated as a good school following its inspection in March 2019. The school provides a quality education with notable strengths, although it has not maintained an outstanding standard since the previous inspection. The headteacher, supported by a capable senior leadership team, is committed to ensuring that the school remains securely good. The governors are actively involved and understand their role in improving educational quality, holding leaders accountable for student achievements.
The curriculum is well-planned, offering a rich variety of activities that promote both academic skills and personal development. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive effective support and make good progress. The school effectively utilizes the physical education and sport premium funding, contributing to a positive environment where pupils are friendly, polite, and well-mannered. Their behavior in lessons and around the school is commendable.
Parents hold the school in high regard, appreciating the diverse experiences provided for their children. While the progress and attainment gaps between disadvantaged pupils and their peers are narrowing, further improvement is needed for disadvantaged pupils to achieve consistently well. Subject leaders outside of English and mathematics lack a clear understanding of teaching quality and outcomes in their areas, which affects overall pupil achievement across the curriculum.
Teachers generally plan learning activities that enable most pupils to progress well, but the work for the most able pupils is not always sufficiently challenging, hindering their potential. Additionally, pupils' books can be untidy due to inconsistent expectations regarding presentation among teachers. The early years provision meets children's needs effectively, although the outdoor learning environment requires further development to enhance engagement when children are not working with an adult.
To improve further, the school needs to enhance leadership effectiveness by ensuring that pupil premium funding builds on recent improvements for disadvantaged pupils. Subject leaders must monitor teaching quality and evaluate pupil progress to identify underachievement and raise standards. The quality of teaching in reading, writing, and mathematics should be improved by consistently challenging the most able pupils and ensuring that all pupils take pride in their work presentation. Strengthening the early years provision by developing the outdoor learning environment will also contribute to better learning opportunities.
The leadership and management of the school are good, with the headteacher making a positive impact since her appointment. Senior leaders and governors have a solid understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They provide appropriate training for staff, which is well-received, and newly appointed staff quickly develop their practice due to effective support. The curriculum is engaging, with activities that stimulate pupils' imaginations, and the school promotes pupils' moral and social development effectively.
Governors are committed and possess a range of relevant skills, ensuring they ask challenging questions and attend meetings regularly. They monitor the effectiveness of pupil premium spending and work closely with leaders to address gaps in knowledge and skills for eligible pupils. The school prioritizes safeguarding, with effective arrangements in place to protect pupils and ensure their well-being.
Overall, Swavesey Primary School is a good school that provides a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils. With continued focus on improving leadership, teaching quality, and early years provision, the school is well-positioned to enhance its educational offerings further.