Robert Arkenstall Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a friendly and welcoming environment for learning. The pupils exhibit politeness and courtesy, demonstrating good behavior both in lessons and during less structured times. They engage positively with one another, offering help when needed, which fosters a collaborative learning atmosphere. The school emphasizes high expectations for learning, encouraging pupils to concentrate on their work and strive for their best. They enjoy discussing various ideas, including philosophical questions, and feel confident sharing their thoughts with peers.
The school offers a broad range of activities that excite and interest pupils. They participate in singing and various sports, including athletics and football. Opportunities for taking on responsibilities, such as being road ambassadors, are well-received by the students. Pupils report feeling safe and secure, with no concerns about bullying, trusting that staff will address any issues that arise. Parents and carers echo these sentiments, with all respondents to the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire affirming that their children feel happy and safe at school.
Leaders at Robert Arkenstall Primary School have developed an ambitious curriculum, carefully considering the essential knowledge pupils should acquire by the end of Year 6 to prepare them for secondary school. The curriculum is structured to help pupils build their understanding over time across various subjects. Reading is prioritized, starting in the early years with phonics instruction. The school employs an effective phonics program, with teachers selecting reading materials that align with the sounds pupils are learning, fostering accurate and confident reading skills. Additional support is provided for pupils who need to catch up, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
The teaching staff possess detailed subject knowledge, allowing pupils to practice and enhance their learning in subjects like mathematics. A new curriculum for subjects such as geography and history is being implemented, and initial results indicate that pupils are beginning to use subject-specific vocabulary. However, leaders recognize that further work is needed to ensure all pupils achieve their best progress across all subjects.
The provision for pupils with special educational needs is a notable strength of the school. These pupils receive tailored support, sometimes through individualized curricula, ensuring they can access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. The impact of additional support is closely monitored by the special educational needs coordinator, who collaborates with external agencies to provide necessary assistance.
Pupils exhibit good behavior, thanks to clear routines established by staff, who model expected behaviors. This creates a calm environment conducive to learning and sharing ideas. The school enriches the curriculum with various activities and promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. They learn about different religions and customs and participate in events that enhance their understanding of diverse cultures.
The safeguarding arrangements at Robert Arkenstall Primary School are effective, with clear systems in place to identify pupils at risk. Staff are well-trained to respond to safeguarding concerns, and leaders work closely with families and external services to support vulnerable pupils. The curriculum also includes lessons on personal safety, ensuring pupils know whom to approach with any worries.
While the school has made significant strides, leaders need to ensure that the newly introduced curriculum is effectively delivered and that pupils are making good progress across all areas. This ongoing evaluation will help maintain the school's good standing and support continuous improvement in educational outcomes for all pupils.