Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Stukeley Meadows Primary School on June 19, 2019, following its previous judgment of good in January 2016. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the standards since the last inspection, ensuring that the school remains a warm and welcoming environment where pupils feel secure and confident. The personalized support provided by staff has been highlighted, with pupils expressing that adults are approachable and helpful during difficult times. Parents have also expressed high satisfaction with the school, with many feeling their children are privileged to attend.
The school prioritizes pupil safety and learning, with initiatives like the Stukeley 6 acronym aiding students in feeling secure. Most parents believe their children are making significant academic and social progress. Pupils enjoy attending school, particularly valuing school trips and extracurricular clubs, which enhance their learning experiences. During the inspection, pupils demonstrated good behavior and enthusiasm when engaging with the inspector.
Governors are well-informed about the school and maintain a balance of challenge and support, working closely with the leadership team to monitor progress and address areas for improvement. The leadership team has accurately evaluated the school's effectiveness, leading to timely actions to address underperformance. The school collaborates effectively with the local authority, and the development plan is deemed appropriate, focusing on continuous improvement.
The inspection also examined the progress of the most able pupils in writing, particularly in key stage two, where previous results had been below national averages. Evidence showed strong progress in writing, especially in Years five and six, with pupils demonstrating improved grammar and editing skills. However, writing across the curriculum remains an area for development, as opportunities for writing in subjects other than English are limited.
The inspection further focused on the reading progress of disadvantaged pupils, who had previously underperformed compared to their peers. The school library is well-stocked, and pupils show enthusiasm for reading, although there are concerns regarding their reading fluency and expression. Teachers are encouraged to read to pupils more frequently to foster a love for reading.
Attendance was another area of focus, as it was slightly below the national average. However, the school has implemented effective strategies to improve attendance, resulting in figures that now match national levels. The number of exclusions has also decreased significantly due to the support provided to help pupils manage their behavior.
In conclusion, the inspection identified several next steps for the school, including enhancing writing opportunities across the curriculum, maintaining high expectations for most able writers, and effectively implementing plans to improve reading instruction in key stage two. The overall findings indicate that Stukeley Meadows Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with a strong emphasis on pupil welfare and academic progress.