Kings Hedges Primary School, located in Cambridge, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following an inspection in January 2019. The leadership team, including the headteacher, staff, and governors, demonstrate high aspirations for the academic achievement and personal development of their pupils. They have effectively collaborated to raise standards and improve outcomes, particularly in key stage two. The leaders possess a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, which has led to actions that enhance the quality of teaching and learning.
Middle leaders are well-informed about their responsibilities and have contributed positively to the school's improvement efforts. The curriculum emphasizes vocabulary development, although some pupils struggle to recall and use key topic words, prompting leaders to focus on this area for development. The early years provision is strong, providing children with a solid foundation for their education in a caring and safe environment. Pupils across the school make good progress and are well-prepared for secondary education, with disadvantaged pupils receiving effective support to ensure their progress.
The school has implemented effective plans for supporting pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, enabling them to make good progress. The care and welfare arrangements for pupils are exceptional, fostering a positive school experience reflected in their excellent attitudes towards learning. Pupils exhibit high levels of consideration and courtesy towards others, and the support for their well-being is robust. Parents express satisfaction with the school's environment, noting that their children feel safe and well-cared for.
However, there are inconsistencies in teaching quality at key stage one, particularly regarding the challenge provided to the most able pupils in reading, writing, and mathematics. Additionally, opportunities for pupils to develop reasoning skills in mathematics and other subjects are insufficient. To further improve, the school aims to enhance teaching quality so that all pupils can achieve their potential, especially in key stage one, by raising expectations and providing more opportunities for reasoning.
The leadership and management effectiveness is rated as good, with leaders and governors prioritizing pupil achievement. The headteacher motivates staff to continuously improve teaching quality, and specific targets linked to school improvement priorities help staff understand their roles in raising pupil achievement. Professional development opportunities are provided, and teachers report positively on the support they receive.
The curriculum is broad and balanced, enriched by various engaging activities that promote a love for learning. Pupils participate in numerous extracurricular activities, which contribute to their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural understanding. The school emphasizes preparing pupils for life in modern Britain, with initiatives such as school council elections fostering a sense of responsibility and community involvement.
Governance is effective, with governors holding leaders accountable for teaching quality and pupil achievement. They monitor finances carefully, ensuring that funding is used appropriately to support disadvantaged pupils. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained in child protection procedures and parents expressing confidence in the school's ability to keep their children safe.
Overall, Kings Hedges Primary School provides a supportive and nurturing environment where pupils can thrive academically and personally. The school is committed to continuous improvement, focusing on enhancing teaching quality and ensuring that all pupils, particularly the most able, reach their full potential.