Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Great Wilbraham CofE Primary School on May 17 and 18, 2023, following its previous judgment that the school required special measures in October 2022. The inspection aimed to evaluate the progress made since that time. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher, senior leaders, governors, local authority representatives, and the diocese, as well as a review of various documents, lesson observations, and discussions with pupils and staff.
The findings indicate that the school remains inadequate and continues to require special measures. While leaders have made some progress in improving the school, significant work is still needed to address the areas of concern identified in the previous inspection. The school is not permitted to appoint early career teachers before the next monitoring inspection.
Leadership and governance have remained stable, although there have been changes to the governing board. The previous inspection highlighted serious weaknesses in safeguarding and curriculum quality. Improvements have been noted in these areas, but further efforts are necessary to ensure that all pupils receive a high-quality education. Leaders, with support from local authority advisors and the diocese, are working to enhance curriculum planning, and subject leaders are gaining a better understanding of their roles. The curriculum's intentions are mostly clear, and plans are effective in supporting teaching and learning. However, more work is needed to ensure that the early years curriculum aligns with key stage one plans.
A new reading curriculum and phonics program have been introduced, with staff receiving training on its delivery. Early signs of improvement are evident, such as consistent use of resources and phrases to aid reading. However, inconsistencies remain in how pupils record and correct their work, which negatively impacts the achievement of struggling readers. The newly implemented program in key stage two requires further time for effective monitoring.
The behavior policy has been reviewed, and there is a more consistent approach to behavior management. As a result, pupils' attitudes toward learning have improved, and they are more engaged and interested in their studies. Staff and pupils are clear about learning objectives, and low-level disruption was not observed during lessons.
Subject leaders have begun to assess the impact of the new curriculum, but this process is still in its early stages. There are inconsistencies in assessment practices in foundation subjects, and expectations for setting out calculations need clarification to enhance pupils' understanding of correcting their work.
The special educational needs coordinator has ensured that pupils with SEND receive appropriate support, and their progress is regularly reviewed. However, parents have mixed views about the school's provision for these pupils, indicating a need for improved communication regarding curriculum ambitions for students with SEND.
Staff acknowledge the necessity of curriculum improvements, which are positively influencing delivery and pupil outcomes. Overall, staff feel supported in their workload and well-being, although some express concerns about the school's capacity due to its small size.
Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders addressing previous gaps in systems and processes. A new online system has been implemented, and staff training has been conducted. Leaders can now monitor concerns accurately, ensuring timely support for vulnerable pupils. Pupils report feeling safe and having trusted adults to approach with concerns.
Since the last inspection, the school has welcomed targeted support from local authority advisors and the diocese, focusing on various areas, including safeguarding and curriculum development. The Rapid Improvement Group meets monthly to review progress against the school's action plan. While improvements are underway, the school still relies heavily on external support to drive further progress. The governing body is committed to ensuring ongoing improvement and capacity building for the future.