Great and Little Shelford CofE Aided Primary School, located in Cambridge, has been inspected with an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on March 12 and 13, 2024. The school is characterized by a strong Christian ethos that promotes values such as kindness, resilience, responsibility, and creativity. Pupils benefit from an ambitious curriculum that supports their academic achievements and encourages participation in outdoor learning, sports, and arts clubs. Enrichment activities, including day trips and international school links, enhance the educational experience, providing leadership opportunities through the school council and peer mediators.
Pupils generally respond positively to the school’s high expectations, demonstrating good attendance and a sense of safety and belonging. They are confident in sharing their concerns with staff and enjoy positive relationships with their peers. However, there are instances where a minority of pupils disrupt the learning environment, indicating a need for improvement in behavior management.
The school leadership and governance are committed to providing high-quality education and fostering an inclusive environment. The curriculum is well-planned and ambitious, effectively building knowledge over time. Teachers employ a variety of activities to deepen understanding, and assessment practices are generally effective in identifying gaps in knowledge. Nonetheless, there are occasions when the curriculum is not adapted to meet the diverse needs of all pupils, leading to frustration for some.
Reading instruction is prioritized, with early phonics education introduced in Reception. Pupils learn to read and spell unfamiliar words effectively, and those who struggle receive necessary support. The school offers a wide range of reading materials, fostering a love for reading among students. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are included in all aspects of school life, receiving appropriate support to access the curriculum.
The early years provision is well-structured, providing a stimulating learning environment that prepares children for Year 1. Staff form positive relationships with children and focus on developing communication and literacy skills. The school has implemented a new behavior management system aimed at helping pupils understand the consequences of their actions. While many pupils respond positively, consistency in application across staff remains a challenge.
Personal development is a key focus, with daily collective worship reinforcing learning and promoting citizenship. The school fosters a strong sense of community and belonging, encouraging acceptance and understanding of diverse backgrounds. Staff feel valued and supported by leadership, contributing to a positive working environment.
Governors are actively involved in the school’s progress, providing both challenge and support to leaders. Regular reviews of the curriculum lead to ongoing improvements in educational provision. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils.
To enhance the school’s effectiveness, leaders must ensure consistent application of behavior expectations and improve the delivery of the curriculum to meet all pupils' needs. Addressing these areas will help the school build on its strengths and continue to provide a high-quality education for its students. Overall, Great and Little Shelford CofE Aided Primary School demonstrates a commitment to fostering a positive learning environment while striving for continuous improvement in its educational practices.